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Tuesday, 14 November 2017


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I've been immersed in Joni music via YouTube since your "Genius" post. There's so much of her music I have not heard. Wikipedia talks about her shift to a contralto range in the mid 70's and I really like the change. Her 1991 release, "Night Ride Home" is really nice and the song "Cherokee Louise" is amazing.

A lifetime with Joni, in one way or another. That's so cool!

Sorry for the dumb comment, but I just had to say it. Lives follow strange pathways.

Would that be same the Gerry Kopelow of Architectural Photography book-writing fame? If so I have a couple of them and they’ve been very useful, so thanks!

An update on my scanning of film negatives vs. DSLR capture comparison experiment which has been confirmed by many on other photo sites/blogs. I scanned a 35mm film negative using my EPSON V700 with calibrated film holders. I used the maximum resolution setting on the scanner. I captured the same negative using my full frame digital camera with a macro lens at 1:1. Long story short I see absolutely no difference in resolution or dynamic range when comparing the output from the two methods. The camera capture of film negatives is my new method for 35 film format, the time saving is huge and of course much less cumbersome.

A jump start to the Leica Baker's Dozen?

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