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Friday, 17 November 2017


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You might be interested in this: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/631/so-a-monkey-and-a-horse-walk-into-a-bar

The "This American Life" podcast interviewed various players (including David Slater) in the drama around the pictures that Slater "facilitated" of monkeys in Indonesia that resulted in him being sued by one of the monkeys for copyright infringement. I know you mentioned this story a while back, but it is fun to actually hear interviews with the people involved. It is Act One of the podcast.


Around the web in how many days...?

It's worth remembering that IBIS (etc) only deals with the photographer's shaky hands. That's certainly important, but subjects also move. There are hence diminishing returns: a hypothetical 10-stop IBIS would allow you to wave the camera about wildly with a 0.5s exposure and the background would be nicely sharp, but the moving subject would be a blurry mess.

Screen at the side is for video folks, who usually have so much equipment that stealth is not an option. Screen sneakily tilted up or down is great for shooting stills overhead or from waist level, while pretending to be looking elsewhere. I think Panasonic and Olympus have moved on to video, Fuji less so.

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