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Monday, 27 November 2017


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“Polymathic sagacity”. Aha, *that’s* what it is. Thank you.

Remember the movie "Wild in the Streets"? Fourteen or Fight!

Hey! I was there!

Outside the police car, listening to Mario Savio via his bullhorn.

Still in Berkeley

Less is More isn't just a clever saying—brevity rulz! When did it become mandatory for rants to become bombastic screeds? I didn't get the memo. Many photo-bloggers and political-pundits love beating-a-dead-horse ... again, again and again. Remember that a rant left unread is like a rant unsaid. Meh!

Non of the above applies to Mike. He uses his foibles to prove points.

Does someone in their second childhood qualify as a kid? Here am I with my OLPC (One Laptop per Child.)

Nothing wrong with long - this oldie still has 10,000 word attention span.

Mike, I apologize for those times I did not remember to use TOP as the gateway to Amazon or B&H (like yesterday). That buying impulse just takes over, and I make a bee line ...

Your son's photograph is superb. As is your blog, always. Thank you again.

Congratulations. This is a marvellous enterprise, for the content, the quality of the writing and the depth of your analyses. I regularly send people the link to your “Letter to George” on the monetary pitfall of the entry level DSLR and ‘kit’ lens. You’re a great ambassador for the real America. Best wishes for the next twenty.

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