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Thursday, 26 October 2017


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Mike, For those of us that really like picture pairs, check out David Bailey's book "If We Shadows" If you don't have it - you need it.
A few used ones are available on Amazon at bargain prices.

Way back in the 1980s, I did a set of paired Polaroid Spectra pictures, all of them titled, "Before & After."

Some were corny, arty, obviously student work- see: apple. apple with bite taken out of it. But a few were kind of interesting, like when I would photograph something at the beginning of a season and then at the end.

It's a bit of a cheater's way to match images, but it was fun and it taught me that just because your photo is ostensibly of the same thing, they don't always work together.

The pictures from that Mike Johnston guy are pretty good. You ought to feature more of his work, ... but ask permission first.

British photographer Sophie Green has used pairs in a number of projects.

e.g. http://www.sophiegreenphotography.com/gypsy-gold/

I've done it myself a time or two. I also like to make longer sequences and grids of pictures.

Somewhere, Martin Parr said, "I never think of photographs as being individual. Always as a group."

All too often photographers think only in terms if single images. What might be called 'iconic images' these days. When in reality the pictures which photographers are remembered for are often taken from a body of work.

I agree 100% with everything said in this post. Finding two or more pictures that "sing" together is often something like an "Eureka" moment for me. For this reason, I don't quite understand why most photobooks only have pictures on the recto pages (the ones on the right side) and verso left blank. Probably because (western?) viewers look at the recto pages first?

Best, Thomas

This post made me remember to look once more at one of my favourite dyptich photo-projects: "Collected Short Stories" by Daniel Blaufuks (which is one of the greatest contemporary portuguese photographers).

His website is kind of a mess, but here's a direct link to the project (click the ">" to advance to the next pictures):

By the way Mike,your Berkeley dyptich really caught my attention, made me want to see more. Is it part of a project?

I admit that the use of the word "image" sets my teeth on edge. I can practically smell the pipe smoke and hear the labored attempts at Received Pronunciation when I see the word "image" used to mean "photo" or "picture"

Which is horribly unfair of me, most people use the word because lots of people use the word.

Picture, to me, conjures up an image of pen-and-ink drawings, linocut prints and water-colors. Never photographs ... YMMV.

Pretty easy to see this effect in Lightroom, just use the compare mode and select the pictures from the film strip. You may need to use Collections to get the images you require.

A while back, I found that quite a few of my pictures were looking like single exposure triptychs. I tend to see horizontally, so I’ve always gravitated toward wider lenses, as they provide me with a more “normal” field of view. This same propensity leads to vertical arrays of horizontal elements, rather than horizontal arrays of vertical elements. Hence,the triptychs...

And by the way Mike, I’m with you on pictures versus images. Images just sounds so pretentious.

A multitick or multitych or whatever-

Michael Marten

Seascapes around the UK, at low and high tide.

Excellent pictures, though the equally fine book is largely sold out.


While we are on the topic of language...

From the caption to your first photo in this post: "Image pair. iPhone 7 Plus, taken last Tuesday.".

I much prefer the verb "make" vs. "take" in this usage. In my view, "make" is simply a much more accurate description of the process than "take".

As for "image" vs. "picture"...

I prefer the term "photograph". Both "image" and "picture" are too broad; referring to many things other than the product of a camera.

As for Herman's multitych... wonderful!

Lastly, one of my own diptychs (made in Oct 2016)...

Same school yard fence, roughly 100 feet apart.

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