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Friday, 06 October 2017


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Yes, it can stay gray for 30 days; it is called Oregon.

That's an A6500. You don't need no stinkin' sun!

If the 30 days you are referring to happened to occur in Vancouver, British Columbia, in the months of December, January, February or March then yes, 30 days of rain and grey are indeed quite possible ....

Loving the shot of Butters! Once I crop out the top almost-third, there's something about the color palette, the texture and shape of the wall, the geometry of the staircase, and of course the expression and body language...

A gray sky is just a giant diffuser with a white balance problem. Shoot raw, and don't point your camera up. Finger lakes region this time of year you have color coming out your ears. Slap a macro on that camera and your dogs will be howling for you to come home and feed them you'll be so lost in the adventure. Sorry Mike but gray is not an excuse. A couple months and 6 feet of snow.....maybe an excuse.

Rain 24 hours a day for 30 days is called Vancouver in November.

Hey, grey days can be stunning!

Love to shoot BT&W when it's a grey day!

Erik Satie - Once Upon A Time In Paris .....

Many of Erik Satie's paintings are set in grey and wet conditions.


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