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Friday, 13 October 2017


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One of the best posts I've read at TOP, although I think it is also one of the longest.
It touched on many of Photographs diverse topics and you even snuck in a tidbit mention of turntables.

I don't think anyone has ever taken a bad photo of Audrey Hepburn.

Wow, I wonder if Scott Adams has read Tibetan Peach Pie by Tom Robbins. In it, Tom tells about how he once “wrote” a self-help book in his head during a sleepless night. A complete book, he says. He did not write it down though, and forgot it after sleeping...
The book was to be called “How To Loose Every Hand, And Still Win Big”.

I recommend Tibetan Peach Pie by the way. Funny and interesting.

Good one.
Thanks for the Audrey picture, lovely.

I recently confused a friend when I mentioned that “May you have an interesting life” is supposedly an old Chinese *curse*. I asked: ‘what’s an interesting movie, one with a peaceful life, or...?’

First, kudos to Dawoud Bey- well done!

The "pink slime" and John Oliver/Murray Energy debacles are scary indeed. So many of us are now so pathetically dumbed down that we are unknowingly eroding, voting against and attacking our remaining freedoms in the name of... freedom.

Having encounter Scott Adams’ political thoughts, I would disagree with “mostly in a good way” as much as I would dislike the colloquial use of a term that disparages the mentally ill.

More about the rich and powerful being protected by the rich and powerful in the media and politics for decades. :-(

From Aggressive Overtures to Sexual Assault: Harvey Weinstein’s Accusers Tell Their Stories

Multiple women share harrowing accounts of sexual assault and harassment by the film executive.


I was told that hard drives start to fade after 20 years. Everything might be gone on them 40 to 60 years.

The New Yorker story is one more indictment of the foundational problem of this country - with the best of intentions, the founding fathers replaced culture (and common sense) with a legal system.


I really enjoyed the BBC presentation of David Hurn's 'swaps' exhibition. A treat indeed. Thanks for the link.

My heart skipped a beat after reading the last line of the german poem.

Quite a week's end outpouring in this column. The David Hurn story was illuminating (I only knew him from his book with Bill Jay). But the appalling New Yorker story points up the vital role that sustained efforts in journalism are playing in this crazy time. The New Yorker's story was actually a rehash of work done by local writers and activists in Nevada over a two year period, leading to an apparent cleanup in that area. The crime is that the practice persists in many other parts of the country. The New Yorker also carried an eye-opening expose of civil forfeiture a year or two back, and participated along with the NYT in the Weinberg story. Curiously, some of these abuses of the legal system seem to involve the set of rights that our Supreme Court does hold dear, and perhaps something can be done...

Meanwhile, my main lens, the Fujifilm XF 23mm ƒ/1.4, which has lately had its thunder stolen by the smaller, snout-nosed ƒ/2 version, has been given a boost by the sensor in the Fujifilm X-T2 that just arrived here at TOP Rural World Headquarters. And a great lens got better.--Mike

The nicely compact Fuji 23 f/2 has a steeper contrast curve than the 23/1.4 but it is not as sharp at all apertures. It does have a nice cinematic look to it, though, that can be very appealing. And the compact size, fast AF and silent aperture blades are really nice. The 23mm lens on the Fuji X100F has the "softest" contrast curve of the three, and this does provide a bit more control in editing the contrast curve of the transition from light to shadow. At medium to focal distances and wider apertures, the X100's 23mm out-resolves than the 23 f/2 but the good 'ole 23 f/1.4 is still superior of the three, optically. It's contrast curve sits beween the f/2, and the 23mm of the X100-series.

That X-T2 is pretty nice, eh? ;-)

Fuji hit a grand slam home run with that one.

The photo story on America's obscene riches didn't contain a single picture that connoted riches...should have been, America's obscene bad taste...the young girls in the first photo seem to be posing in a standard middle-class suburban neighborhood, if you check out the houses in the background...

The pink slime thing -- I'm really discouraged about journalism and the media in general. It should be the felt obligation of big rich media corporations to fight these kinds of lawsuits tooth and nail, and appeal them as far as they can when they lose in the lower courts. Make the attackers pay. They're giving up the first amendment, that they depend on, to save a few bucks that they can easily afford to spend. Gawker was destroyed by a rich guy.

A lot of states simply cave when they are sued, as they frequently are, for all kinds of nonsensical reasons. "There was ice on the highway..." A few years ago, Wisconsin decided to fight every lawsuit, and, not amazingly, they got sued a whole lot less. When they did get sued, the plaintiffs usually won, because they had good and worthwhile cases -- but the nuisance suits tended to go away.

This post illustrates all that is good about your blog, Mike. Enough photographic tidbits to keep it in the 'photography blogosphere' and enough humanist touches to keep us all interested, reading links and relating to our daily lives to make for a wonderfully rounded post.

This is one of your best, and the poem is more relevant than ever.

[Thanks Henning. --Mike]

I remember the pink slime story. And then read a more level headed follow up story in defense of pink slime. I realized the ABC story was a horrible hatchet job that played on peoples' ignorance and fears. The company was indeed stripping the last of the meat off of the bones and processing it. Part of the process was spraying it with ammonia. Ammonia!! In our food!! That is where the shock value and ignorance came to play. Ammonia alters the ph level so badly that bacteria die, then the ammonia just dissipates away. In fact our bodies produce ammonia to regulate our own ph and we actually sweat it out. BPI was making a safe inexpensive beef protein product. Unfortunately, someone looked in the factory door. We have all heard the expression about seeing politics or sausage being made. If they wanted to really gross someone out go see Scrapple being made.

On Being A Photographer (David Hurn and Bill Jay) is still available from Lenswork for $12.95


+1 for Rivendell. I've owned an Atlantis since 2004. Usually ridden with a camera in the handlebar bag. Never was able to make friends with Albatross bars, although I tried. Grant has been working on "saving the world one bike at a time" for years.

Snark Alert! What is wrong with entrepreneurs monetizing the elderly? Entrepreneurs going after the low-hanging-fruit is an American tradition—nothing new here. These champions of capitalism have co-opted the federal government by doing this. Alert over.

From my POV Asset Forfeiture is a bigger and more prevalent crime. The police have been doing it for more than half a century.

ICE confirmed to The Intercept that the handbook reflects the agency’s most up-to-date guidance on asset forfeiture. Agents under its instruction are asked to weigh the competing priorities of law enforcement versus financial profit and to “not waste instigative time and resources” on assets it calls “liabilities” — which include properties that are not profitable enough for the federal government to justify seizing. https://theintercept.com/2017/10/13/ice-hsi-asset-forfeiture-handbook/

If you, or your parents have enough money, the police may grab the assets before the guardians do. (He)... told The Intercept that the handbook’s discussion of using civil forfeiture when a criminal indictment isn’t possible appears to nod to a problematic practice of seizing assets largely for the sake of financial gain, ...

Think that this doesn't happen? Thing again. About 40 years ago, the Los Angeles County Sheriffs did a drug raid in Ventura County. They killed the very rich owner. The problem was that the guy was straight-arrow, and there were NO drugs to be found. But thats OK because they got a tip-from-an-informant. Ventura County (where this legal crime occured), didn't bring charges against LASD because of this tip.

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