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Tuesday, 19 September 2017


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She took one of my so far all-time favourite photographs:


I discovered Judy Dater and her wonderful large-format portraits way back when I was a kid in college, in the mid-1970s. In 1978 I picked up a book from Ralph Gibson's Lustrum Press, Darkroom2, and there was an essay by Ms. Dater about how she made her portraits. There were photos of her working with a subject. She just looked like she was having a great time while working hard at her art. I confess, I fell a little bit in love with Judy Dater. Now I'm an old guy, and I think I'm still a little bit in love with her.
Thanks, Mike, for allowing me to post the Creepy Comment of the Day.

Love Judy's work. Have a very nice portrait of her from a 1976 workshop. Would like to share it with you. How can I get it to you?

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