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Thursday, 28 September 2017


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Signed, baby, signed. I just picked up a copy of Marvin E. Newman's retrospective book (at 13lbs it was no trivial feat) and, now in his 90's, he managed to sign every one of the 1,000 copies. Gordon looks like a very hale and hearty fellow. Sign, baby, sign!

You sound blessed.

Food, glorious food as prepared by a master chef will always be better than photography. Face it, we need food as much as photography however food does come first.

Where's the picture of the omelette???? Oh! It didn't survive long enough for a portrait.

[Actually, true! --Mike]

Oh man... I brought leftovers for lunch but now I want to take one of Gordon's books and go have an omelette from the local retro-hipster café.

"He says that if the woman in his picture had been walking in front of those plywood figures, he wouldn't have bothered making an exposure."

But what if she were just a little further along, as if she were at the head of the line? Dog, boy, adult & girl and then real life lady?


I have one of the original prints, and it’s still a favourite.
I’ve always thought it would be improved if it were a little bigger and a little warmer. Is the reprint the same size?
Either way I can see another purchase on the horizon!

I am not entirely sure about broccoli in an omelette. Broccoli to me should not make an appearance on the menu until at least lunch time where it may be in a supporting role in some sort of salad, but I don't believe it should be eaten warn until dinner time.
On the topic of the photograph under discussion, it really sums up the nature of photography as capturing a moment in time that only exists for that moment. To create that image now would be impossible without digital fiddling and that for me is one of the reasons I still get out and about with the camera, to immortalise those slices of time.

"...fixing me an omelette..."
Sound hilarious to me as an Aussie, I'm imagining it needs fixing (repairing) because the eggs were broken.
We'd say, making me an omelette.

I want the picture (signed) and I could use one of those omelettes, too.

I quite like the photo, but liked it more when I thought the shadows on the wall were actually made by precipitation. The benefits of not looking too close!

Signed or unsigned?

If you are good photographer, let’s say one who can claim that your work can be called Art, then a signature could add to the value. However, if you are a very, very, very good photographer and capable of making iconic images you should not sign. Then your work already is your signature. In that case you should let your printer sign with light grey pencil and add the printing number.

But if you sign…
- Always outside the image area. Inside is for painters and celebrities signing their own portraits.
- Practice first. The signature should be artistic, chique and discreet. If you are only capable of producing illiterate scribbles, please sign at the back.
- Sign by hand. Designed typefaces, logos or watermarks as a signature are pomp and ceremony that make your work second-rank.

@ Peter Williams regarding "fixing."

Where I'm from we sometimes say, "I'm fixing to make an omelette."

And just to be annoying, I've said, "I'm fixing to repair to the kitchen to prepare an omelette."


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