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Wednesday, 27 September 2017


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Cuban street photographer-

I took a workshop with Peter in New York a year or two back, and I have to say it was very enjoyable and informative. I would love to do another one. I considered the Cuba workshop as I know it would be fun, however I decided not to go, due to the price. The NY workshop is currently $1650, while the Cuba workshops are about $3K to $5K. I think this is because this is a ‘for Americans’ arrangement, where visas, and other forms need to be filled out by mandate of the US gov for it’s citizens. (I enquired about the cost for a non-American, but it made little difference – I got the impression that the organization that handles the travel wants to get paid for getting the (unnecessary for me) documents.)

For those of us in the rest of the world, we can get direct flights from any major city to various parts of Cuba (been there twice), and choose our own hotels. Much simpler and less costly.

I would really like to see Peter run these workshops on a ‘tuition only’ basis as he does for NY and Paris. I think many of us would be taking up the opportunity. Don’t mean to sound negative, and I’m sure anyone heading off to Cuba will enjoy the experience.


Some of my pix from there:

Man, Havana, February 11, 2017

Kid Cab, Havana, February 11, 2017

Basketball, Havana, February 11, 2017

Running Boy, Havana, February 11, 2017

Chè Corner, Havana, February 13, 2017

Street Corner With Che and Hugo, Havana, February 13, 2017

Shop, Havana, February 13, 2017

Exhausted Boxer, Havana, February 15, 2017

Detail, Ballerinas, Havana, February 16, 2017

Castropol Art Opening, Havana, February 11, 2017

I would like to respond briefly to Peter Wright’s comment.
Under current circumstances, the Cuba workshops can not be compared to a New York workshop. My Cuba Workshops include airfare to and from Cuba from the US, hotel and lodging, daily transportation, meals, a daily itinerary of very exciting visual opportunities to interact with the daily life of Cubans touching on religion, the arts, dance, ballet, sports, and economic life, day trips, conference room and daily photo review sessions, visas, and three local Cuban photographer guides/translator/fixers . My workshops fall within the current US regulations for US travelers allowing group travel to Cuba for individuals who want to travel to Cuba and fall under the regulations for people-to-people group travel sponsored by an accredited tour operator. These workshops are also importantly approved by the Cuban authorities. They have been a wonderful experience for now more than 300 participants over these past 6 years and will continue to be great experiences for passionate photographers wishing to visit and photograph Cuba. They are also on par or even less expensive overall than other overseas photography workshops including my very popular Paris Workshops. I have done my very best under all circumstances to create a photography workshop in Cuba allowing participants to have profound access to Cuban daily life at this exciting and historic moment in Cuban life. I am very proud of the people-to-people aspect of these Cuba Workshops and hope anyone interested in attending will visit the testimonials and student galleries of my website:www.peterturnley.com , to see reactions and photographs from past participants.

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