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Wednesday, 13 September 2017


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Not being shielded must make them really hard to use for all the people who still use CRT displays. Which I'm sure is at least one person.

Wish I could help you, Mike, but I'm still rocking the Tannoy 603 monitors (see http://datsunzgarage.com/tannoy/ ) I bought back in 1992. However much they've deteriorated over the years, I think my ears have deteriorated at least as much - they still sound good to me...

Bearing in mind that my hearing cuts out somewhere below 12KHz (age plus too many loud rock concerts - ELP, Mountain etc), they'd be wasted on me.

So I'll stick to my old Optimus STS-65s if that's OK with you; they sound acceptable to me, hanging off my Yamaha CRX-550.

As I get older and my ability to hear high frequencies has deteriorated, not helped by a spot of tinnitus, my pleasure in good audio equipment has diminished. To the point where I can listen to Mahler's Resurrection Symphony with a degree of appreciation on a single-box blue-tooth speaker system fed by my iPhone. How depressing is that?

Meanwhile I continue with my B&W 60something speakers, wondering if the lack of treble bite is my hearing, the inherent character of the speakers, the effects of the Singapore climate on the tweeters, or my somewhat underpowered amplifier.

At which point I start worrying about how much noise reduction to apply in Lightroom ...

Time for a gin.

I don't think adding a question mark to your title would defeat your search strategy.

My favorite small speakers are the AudioEngine powered pairs.

They sound as good as any "real" speakers I've ever heard, and you don't have to bother with an amp, which I don't own anymore.

The new ones even look pretty nice, with their wood grained finishes.

Ah, dual concentric speakers! I have a massive pair of Tannoy 12" dual concentrics dating back from 1971. I really love them and never have the volume control on my NAD receiver up above about 10%. I have them on Atacama stands... but they are roughly 24" by 15" by 12" and my wife hates them! I'm finally conceding that I need to find something to replace them (and the NADs)... going to have to go minimal. Heartbreaking to know that small speakers need large amps!

Mike, you recommended the NHT M-00 small speakers here a few years back - which you did own IIRC.
On the basis of that reco I bought a pair and am enjoying them to this day. Not sure if they are still available but they were very fairly priced considering the build quality and inclusion of a 75W amp in each one (+ made in USA if that is a factor).
Worth a listen as a powered alternative, probably about the same $ if bought used as the Elac + amp.


What's this about speakers? i'm waiting on something about an XT2 someone is acquiring? I'm sure I read that somewhere...:)

Originally I was thinking "you rotten sod; you've cost me $1000!" (which I don't have) but then...

I just shot (amateur) portraits informally for a prospective relative. She made noises about paying which, of course, I could never accept.

But if she were to send me an extravagant present which I would never be able to justify for myself - you get the picture.

Thanks for the suggestion just in case she really, really insists. If I got cash, I would just blow it on credit card payments anyway.

Really, if it was my money I'd buy you a set just to get a comprehensible review.

Our primary music system is a pair of B&W in wall speakers powered by an ancient Sansui AU555 I bought on Okinawa in 1969. It still sounds great but I bet fresh caps would make it sound even better.
We are doing up the basement and I am looking at a pair of Pioneer speakers designed by Andrew Jones
Price is right and they get good reviews. They are going to be principally for listening to vinyl. Will need a simple amp and I am open to suggestions.

I've had tinnitus since 1960. It has saved me a lot of money on audiophile gear 8-D

Cheap supermarket headphones suffice for my EDM and Punk collection.

It's odd - I was just looking at these on Amazon the other day and was intrigued by the reviews especially given the price.

I don't have a decent amp with the wattage you recommend. But I do have a Fisher 500C, with 35 valve watts per channel. It might be an interesting combination; those output transformers are quite beefy.

This post reminds me... you may be interested in this new Nutube tech. Korg are using it in their new Vox 50w guitar amps that are, by all accounts, pretty amazing stage and recording amps. I expect to see high end stereo gear with these new vacuum tubes soon.

Whatever speakers you use I hope you're using them to listen to some Steely Dan this week. (RIP Walter Becker).

These look like monitors or reference speakers. And looking at the tech. sheet, they actually are geared to be reference monitors.
I haven´t tested them. I tested the reference monitors of Yamaha [the classic white coned you will see on e-v-e-r-y-s-i-n-g-l-e recording studio], and boy oh boy they are a dissapointment for regular or audiophile listeners. Mainly, because they are tailored to be exact sound reproducers, not warmed up speakers.

But that is the difference between someone who loves music and someone who loves listening to music.

It is the very same difference as to someone who loves photography and someone who loves looking at photography. Different type of audience, I´m afraid.

So, beware. Those ELAC [me dad had a ELAC compact sistem, the horizontal ones] might be very dissapointing for regular listeners. And please, don´t answer back with miriads of gadget combos.

Problem for me is that small speakers have small sound. I get by with my B&W CM6 S2, but I can't wait to replace them with something that moves air, preferably a pair of refurbished JBL 4355 :) Those babies can really put you in the room with John Coltrane...

From the way back machine check out this story in the NY Times from 1982 http://www.nytimes.com/1982/07/25/arts/sound-low-cost-speakers-overcome-their-drawbacks.html


You should really look at Genelec speakers before talking about the best.
I am not an expert but I would hazard a guess that just like there is no perfect camera, there is also no perfect speaker.
Perfect for what?

Though I've stored them away, my Tannoy Sensys DC 2 + Super Tweeter loudspeakers remain one of my favorite transducers. There is something so pleasing about Tannoy dual-concentric loudspeakers, whatever the size of the enclosure. Now I have a pair of Ohm Acoustics Walsh 2000 loudspeakers, which are superb, with a distinct, perhaps unique, listening experience. There are so many fine loudspeakers, all of which provide an illusion of the original music and none of which are faithful replicators. Just like photographs.


I'm a bit late to the party on this thread, but I'm REALLY enjoying my NHT Superzero 2.1's. They're small(ish) and really do sound terrific when paired with a decent sub.

I'm hardly an aficionado, however.

Still using my Infinity studio monitors, first purchased in 1973. I had the foam surround replaced on the woofers a decade or so ago, and they are still cookin'.

I made the mistake of buying an Infinity powered subwoofer a while back, after Harmon ruined the brand. What a POS. The amp died, and I couldn't get any service for it. Scrapped. Then a JBL powered woofer. You guessed it. Amp died and no service. Scrapped. Now I have a Sony powered woofer mainly as a place holder, but it seems to be holding up. Seems that the amps they put in powered woofers are the weak point. This is all part of a Dolby 7.1 surround system used mainly with the plasma HDTV in a home theater system. The rear/side speakers are KLH/Optimus and a hefty Sony AV receiver is running it all.

Call me a low-life, but I don't think my hearing, which has spent way too much time under ham radio headphones listening to static crashes and jabberwocky, would ever justify anything better in the way of stereo gear. I do have a collection of music, mostly in about 1000 CD's about half rock, half classical, but I don't get much time to listen to any of it and home anymore. In fact, where I spend the most time listening to music is in my truck, commuting to/from work an hour or more each way. And that time is split with streaming podcasts, and more time on the ham radio.

It's fun reading about your audiophile stuff, though.

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