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Friday, 18 August 2017


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"using the iPhone as a light meter..."

Oh, could you elaborate? Have you talked about this before? If so, I missed it.

When I borrowed my uncle's Leica M3 a few years ago, I carried my DLSR with me to act as a light meter. Worked fine. But the iPhone. That would be a tad lighter...

Are you going to develop and print the film yourself?

[No. XP2 is a C-41 process film, so it's not what I would shoot if I were doing the developing myself; and I gave up my darkroom when I left Wisconsin. --Mike]

I seem to have inadvertently stumbled across a Bokeh Monster for µ4/3.

I have ambivalent feelings about swirly bokeh images. Some are quite attractive, but, like anything hot, it's been overdone - "If swirl is good here, with this subject, it's good for everything."

All the "officially" swirly lenses are designed for FF or larger film/sensor sizes. For good or ill, much of the effect is lost on crop sensors. They are also rather long focal lengths for smaller sensors.

Although bought with other ideas, this no name CCTV 25/1.4 lens swirls with the best when wide open. That does require an ND filter in direct sun.

Best of all is the price. Rather than trolling for myself, I bought a Fotasy package from of lens and C-mount to µ4/3 adapter for the princely sum of $28, with Prime free 2 day shipping and no tax.

Swirl away, MFTers!

About "PETZVAL" (hungarian scientist)


"Petzval is considered to be one of the main founders of geometrical optics, modern photography and cinematography. Among his inventions are the Petzval portrait lens and opera glasses, both still in common use today. He is also credited with the discovery of the Laplace transform and is also known for his extensive work on aberration in optical systems."

Lenses... Zeiss made a 180/2.8 Sonnar in the Pentacon mount. It had a legendary reputation (although I've never used one). Perhaps you'd find it useful for portraits?

Lots of projector lenses are Petzval design, since no one cares about the out of focus image in projector lenses and the Petzval design withstands heat well.

There are a lot of iphone lightmeter apps, I use one called lightmeter, I think it was the first one to come out. It has a very accurate spot meter, gives you a gps record, lots of other features.

The quote from Wikipedia is wrong. The Laplace transform was discovered by Pierre Simon Laplace, a French mathematician. If it had been discovered by Petzval no doubt it would have been called the Petzval transform!

You can get much the same effect by turning around the front and back elements of an Artar, and get this effect on 8x10 film, or larger or smaller. I bought one in that shape from a normally reputable dealer back in the 1990s. A 19" lens I think. And maybe a 24" as well.

I put them back right and saw that somebody had turned the elements to hide cleaning scratches. But they at least made sharp images when configured correctly. Well I wanted sharp, but for someone who wants swirl it's an option. Taking these apart is easey-peasey.

If you work a lot with old cameras and lenses pulling the lenses apart just becomes part part of the job. The big ones are simple and easy. Leica lenses are OK, Nikon are harder and cleaning the glass in an 80mm Hassie Planar because I had to take it to a job the next day was a bit terrifying. But it worked, I got the picture. I don't want to do that again.

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