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Wednesday, 26 July 2017


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It is great. I may show it in my Earth Science class when I start talking about storms.


Excellent. The spectacle of natural forces rarely disappoints, eh? I can't imagine how much time this footage took to capture and edit, not to mention how much dead and travel time was involved. (Probably much like a wildlife doc, eh?) The music indeed fit like a glove. Personally, I'd cut it down to under 5 minutes.

How about another that recently came my way, also on Vimeo? This one, by Max Wilson titled Windy City Nights is a collection of (gee, guess) Chicago night scenes. But they're truly remarkable, many from vantages that I've sometimes imagined using for stills. This one is also a bit long for its own good, a common amateur film making mistake. But I think readers will enjoy it, particularly anyone who knows Chicago well.


Simply overwhelming. Thanks for supplying the link

You can buy blu-ray discs directly from his web site, as I did after seeing a feature about his work on the PBS Newshour many months ago - just wonderful! "Pursuit" is new to me however and up on his site with the rest under "Store," I may buy that as well.


Or the longer, earlier, original work: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koyaanisqatsi

Love the time lapse and the music...in both.

It'd look better if it was not as undercranked. It'd also be better if he used professional equipment ,which would eliminate the choppy, uneven speed that mars most of the shots.


Thanks for that Mike - truly amazing.

This is… magnificent and humbling! Thanks Mike.

Have you seen the movie "Koyaanisqatsi"? If not, I guess you would love it…

I will never see clouds in the same way again. Over the years, studying about weather for my pilot's license, and following depictions and explanations provided by AccuWeather, I thought I had some idea of how these things worked. Wrong-0! Too bad I didn't view this until last evening. We had some very vigorous cloud development and movement her in SE PA yesterday. I could have set my LX100 on a tripod, and tried some time lapse photography myself.

And by the way, both the visuals and the soundtrack remind me of the Philip Glass movie "Koyaanisqatsi"

Sorry, I'm much less appreciative. The images are indeed wonderful, but it suffers the plague of most time-lapse vids at the moment : it goes much (much !) too fast. I'd say at least 4 times, if not 8 times too fast.

Most takes look choppy as a result, sometimes downright stroboscopic. Nothing is fluid or elegant, and the scenes replace each other faster than in a videoclip. Totally prevents me getting caught in the moment.

The vid mentioned by Andre Y looks miles better precisely because it's not as accelerated (speed could still be reduced a bit to me).

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