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Monday, 31 July 2017


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Thanks very much for sharing such a wonderful remembrance of John, Peter. It's very moving.

So nicely remembered...

He wrote a great book some 20 years ago, 'Get the Picture'.

July 31, 2017

Often we honor people for their achievements, occasionally we're astonished by their longevity. Once in a while you can truly say "a long life, very well lived." Perhaps joy in and love of one's work may be one of the hidden contributors to longevity?

I'm often surprised that a large percentage of the great photographers, lived longer than average lives, and even more, how many of them were and are productive long past "retirement age", many working right up to the end. It's not (necessarily) money, fame, or obligation that drives them (*with exceptions), perhaps it's the very act of creation, the knowledge that tomorrow can bring newer and greater vistas, that every day is a new adventure. Their ideals may be outdated, and their ranks are thinning fast, but I'd love to be one of them when I grow up. BTW notice how many of the greats were Hungarian:)

*Elliott Erwitt 89, when asked why he maintains his pace reported he owed too much alimony to too many ex-wives.

A beautiful eulogy.

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