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Friday, 07 July 2017


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Another Aviary-

These birds are the perfect excuse for you to test out whatever long glass Fuji has in its lineup.

I recently attended a lecture by a professor from FSU's film school at the Florida Animation Festival. I was enjoying all the info the guy was telling us and then I heard it: the @#$%^&* sound of a camera's shutter. After the lecture, my friend who manages the theatre introduced me to an employee touting a A7*. I nicely instructed her that her high priced camera had an electronic shutter and it should be on during lectures. She said she worried since it was so quiet, it was not really taking pictures. I told her that was what her screen was for!

Screened in porch would be nice. Unless mosquitoes aren't an issue.

Know what you mean about those Robins. We had one that kept smashing into a small window of our bathroom. Thought he just wanted in until a friend pointed out that he probably saw his reflection in the glass and wanted to attack the intruder to his territory! Birds!

Good to hear your avian tenants (or are you theirs?) are doing well. Ref Fuji's electronic shutters, the one on the XT10 isn't silent. It makes a strange little sneezing noise. Perhaps the XT1 is a bit more classy.

The robins here in Ireland can get very tame. We have residents and they seem to have got to know us quite well. Appear in the garden with a spade and they are straight out hopping around one's feet waiting for worms.. Whilst dining alfreso recently one hopped up to perch on my knee as much as to say 'Where are all the crumbs",

For info: the Gauntlet Birds of Prey centre is in Knutsford, *Cheshire*.

Loved the bird shots, in main article and comments. Thanks to all.


@Michael: Yes, you are correct, Cheshire, not Chelsea.

Wonderful raptor centre.

Thanks for the correction! ;-)

I find it interesting that early American settlers thought the American robin similar enough to the European robin to give it the name, but didn't notice its rather obvious similarity to the European blackbird, to which is is closely related. The red breast seems to have been give preference over form and habit.

I used the electronic shutter on my X-T1 to document during a video shoot, but discovered you have to be very stationary. Despite the fast shutter speed, there's a rolling shutter effect, so you have to be very intentional, you can't just 'snap'.

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