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Monday, 05 June 2017


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Jim and Mike, thank you so much for this.

Thank you for the riches.

Minor technical correction. Hepatitis is more than an "occasional" cause of liver cancer. It's a definite risk factor and a biggie.

This is a treasure.
Thanks To Mike and especially Jim Hughes.

......."Here's to the Crazy ones........."

An awesome piece, especially after reading the Time story that was linked to last week. Greene seems to have been cut out to inherit Smith's idealism, drive, commitment, obsession and all the associated problems that they cause. Thanks, Jim, for bringing this side of him (them) to light.

What other great stories were left on your cutting room floor? It's a shame to only use them in obituaries.

Thanks for sharing this, Jim and Mike. This has added a nugget more of background concerning a fellow (Smith) who was quite a sad enigma.

I add my thanks, and especially for pushing me to revisit Gene's work. That is not to diminish Stanley Greene. But in my formative years, Gene's photos were bolts of lightning that shook me to the centre of my being.

Thanks Mike and Jim.
I've printed this and will insert it in my copy of Jim's biography of Smith. That way the person who someday gets this book after me will have the benefit of this missing material.

On January 1980 I went to U of A in Tucson for an MSc degree. The echo of Gene passing was still on the air at the Center for Creative Photography. Any free time I had, I went to the Center to enjoy the Smith collection they have among many others. I remember seeing many of his unmounted prints with several pen marks on them showing tentative croppings. What an enjoyable time for me. Thanks for sharing this piece Jim and Mike.

When Smith was wounded in WWII he said the first photo he took when recovered had ro be perfect or he would quit photography. The photo was his "Walk to Paradise Garden," one of my favorite photographs. When I had cancer and couldn't shoot for about two years I was thinking of Smith and his statement. One day I finally got into my car and went looking for something to photograph. I had been working on a book of panoramic photos with Linhof 617 when I got sick. After an hour or so I found my subject, not a "perfect" image but one that inspired me to keep going.

Here's a YouTube link to a very good video on a talk given by Stanley Greene


Many, many thanks for this. Super interesting references to both great photographers.

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