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Tuesday, 20 June 2017


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Steidl has an awesome newspaper "Catalog" of the Franks show for those that can't get to the show. For 20 Euros, you get 5 copies of the catalog, with free shipping. I shared the extra copies with some photographer friends. Such a steal!

I loved the concept of the show. Photos on news print that are disposed after the show instead of being $50K objects never seen because they have to be stored archivally. I kind of stole and reworked the idea for an exhibit of some of my work.


I've seen the Hugh Edwards and Robert Frank exhibits and second Ken's recommendation regarding the AIC exhibits. The depth of photographic material is excellent, worthy of a return visit to this celebration of Hugh's time as curator.
The Robert Frank exhibit is equally interesting, includes a display of some of the contact sheets Robert used for The Americans and photos from the book Partida. For fans of his work, this is a wonderful display of photographs.

By chance, I am on a multi-week job assignment in Chicago at the moment, and last Saturday I saw both the Hugh Edwards exhibition and the Robert Frank exhibition at the Art Institute. Well worth a visit, IMO.

I was not familiar with Hugh Edwards prior to walking through the door of the Art Institute, but the selection of images and artists in the exhibition certainly spoke strongly about his influence - and perception.

- Tom -

Thank you, Mr. Tanaka, for this post. As an avid photographer and student of the medium, I was well pleased to learn about Hugh Edwards, about whom I was previously ignorant. I now think a trip to Chicago will be upcoming.

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