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Monday, 01 May 2017


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Notice something odd about that example photo (and the others in the same series)?
That handheld implement looks like a magnifying glass, but that wouldn't have such an effecct. It's either a negative lens - or Photoshop.

It's a negative lens,
Somewhere if they have survived the various fires floods and building collapses there are some 4x5 Polaroids I did with a view camera in the 70s where I put an extreme tilt in the rear standard and used a negative lens to bring an object in the close focused area into focus.

Jean Luc Mylayne uses similar techniques in some of his large format bits photos. Btw Jean Luc Mylayn is to bird photography what Lee Friedlander is to travel photography.

I really like this work, also the text is hilarious.

Some really nice examples of otofokasu!

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