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Saturday, 27 May 2017


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Everyone needs and deserves time off.
Doing something different than your routine is the best way to get better and avoid burn out.
You shouldn't even moderate comments on your days off, because if you have to 'get back and moderate' you are not really 'Off'

I'm still waiting for some pix from a sunset sail on your beautiful lake.

Regarding the memorial nature of this American holiday weekend this video of an ongoing project struck a chord with me.

You have a good holiday weekend, too, Mike.

Congrats Mike, here's to the next 600,I can claim to be a devotee from day one as I used to enjoy your "Sunday Morning Photographer" articles at Luminous Landscape.
You're very wise to take w/ends and holidays off as all work and no play can make Mike a very burnt out boy.

600 weeks, that's a long run. Very few small businesses last half that long!

You cannot possibly work 365 days a year every single year. Some downtime is utterly necessary. Planning some downtime is the smart way to achieve it.

TOP is a great site, and I have every intention to continue reading it. I've got it in my RSS feed as well as in my set of regular browser windows.


A fantastic photo op is at the Palm Springs Air Museum.

If you can brave the 106+ heat, the highlight is a formation of planes (This year was a Hellcat, Mustang, King Cobra and *two* B-25's) that fly over and the B-25 drops a load of flowers in honor of the veterans.


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