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Saturday, 08 April 2017


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I'd rather see the adds on every post (adds which don't really annoy me) than jeopardize the financial support for one of my favorite sites on the net. In fact, I just checked my add block software to make sure that it is deactivated for TOP.

A text link at the end of each post to a page of ads would be very unobtrusive, perhaps with an explanatory sentence. It would be like flipping to the back of the magazine where all the ads are.

I don't know if the scheme is compatible with curation, but if that page were a TOP-curated list of loot, it would be of interest to many readers. If you wanted to put in the work, a short blurb explaining why certain items are interesting would add value (and or a link to posts discussing the item or topic).

Just a thought.

24 K-Cups of Marley Coffee's "One Love" and a kitten phone charger later, I'm a happy camper and you get a little boost!

Thanks for this wonderful blog, Mike. Long live the TOP!

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