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Tuesday, 14 March 2017


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Hey Mike, thanks for the note on Tc and Burn My Eye. In addition to being a wonderful photographer, he is a musician and all around good guy.


Boots on the Ground

There are no sharper eyes or quicker shutters in the "street" today than TC Lin's. He has a real knack for organizing his frames and snagging a gesture or detail to make it cohere.

TC and I have never met in-person but we go back a number of years when we were co-participants in a serial film project (pre-YouTube!). I always enjoy seeing his latest batch of images, as well as those from his colleagues at BurnMyEye.

That beach image "Magic carpet" is incredible. What an eye...or two.

Number 5 in portfolio 1 is hilarious! And I absolutely love number 6. Wish my neighbourhood/city was as colourful and whacky.

TC Lin has quite an interesting life story, as detailed in Wikipedia. He is a rare case of reverse migration from the US to Taiwan.

Of course, we don't care about all that, and just gape slack-jawed at his eye for the moment and his photographic reflexes.

Heh heh. The water shot reminds me of a similar one I took while shooting a local open street event a couple years back. It was Father's Day, so one group had a "Dunk Your Dad" booth set up. Dad, in this case, was not as oblivious to what was going on as the above airman, having been able to raise his hood ninja-like just prior to the deluge from above.

Thanks for these and the previous links to "Street" photographers. I would likely never find them otherwise.

Also, Herman, I love the photo essays on your site. Inspires me to approach my photography more in a story telling mode.

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