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Saturday, 11 March 2017


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You can do all sorts of things for your kids, but you can't motivate them.

Mike, you hit me in the heart.

Can't say it better.

Congratulations to Xander and to you the proud & happy Dad!!

Happy to hear that your son is doing well. My second reaction to what you wrote was that I feel both happy and fortunate to live in a country where neither cheques nor college tuition fees exist :-)

Congratulations and kudos to your son. Thinking straight and working hard does pay off, even in this somewhat twisted age that we live in. I fondly recall writing the last tuition checks for my children. Twenty plus years later, after a fifty year hiatus, my wife went back to college, picked up where she left off and got a BS at age 70. Hopefully, we're done.

Mike, carpe diem. There are certain things in life that you shouldn't postpone. A photo trip to Cuba, which might be on the verge of change, is definitely one of them.

Congratulations Xander and congratulations Mike. I feel as though I have been following his progress and accompanying successes his whole life. Great kid partly due to a great dad who sets a wonderful example.

Dear Mike and Zander, Congratulations to father and son on your respective accomplishments!

Congratulations, Xander! And Mike!

Congrats, proud Dad
I always say , before you judge a man, look at his kids.
A kid with a strong work ethic, and one who 'figures out' how to succeed in the world, treats others ethically, is very strong evidence that you did a lot of stuff right, and you have every right to be proud.
Nothing we ever do ourselves, is as good as watching our children succeed at what they have chosen.
There is another benefit coming, while I always had good relationships with my kids, once they moved out into the world they became dear friends.
All the Best

Congratulations to you and to Xander!

Way off topic, but there's no Facebook "Like" icon under your posts. I cut and past the links at times, but a "Like" button would help us lazy types.

[Hi Bruce, We tried, but they don't work. A known glitch with "certain" TypePad blogs. Something like that. Sorry. --Mike]

Congratulations to you and Xander. He's got one heck of a great Dad. Lesser men would have found it easy to walk away. Speaks volumes that you knew that you could not do that.

PS, If you can't attend Peter's workshop
Plan to spend a few days with your son when he graduates, doing something you both enjoy. Trust me it will be a treasure of your life........ maybe you could even document it, you know sorta' like a workshop but even better.
Even something as simple as hiking your beautiful back country, or renting a boat to explore the lake will make memories you both will treasure.
He only graduates once, f/8 and be there.

Super-well-done for yourself and Alexander, seriously.

Congrats to both of you Mike.

Sounds Great! Congratulations to you and to Xander! I eagerly await a review of Affinity Photo, but, I must say that I prefer reading Mike Johnston's writings, though I understand it gives you some breathing room.
I am cleaning out and found a stash of Magazines. They say inside "Editor, Mike Johnston." I will hang onto them. You started in 1994?

[Yes, 1994 to 2000. An interesting job! This is more fun though. --Mike]

Michael is dead right about the graduation. I've had the chance of several and missed one -- to my great regret.

But hey, where's the food challenge post? In respect of losing weight, just by limiting your intake, here's a tip from Raging Pencils: http://www.ragingpencils.com/2009/1-12-09.html


Cheers, Geoff

Well at 63 my daughter is I hope in her last year going an MA and my boy is off working for a charity in Peru aged 18 .... he organised the whole 6 months ....His best friends mum spent a whole period of time in Peru in the seventies. She was befriended by a native village group who invited her to an island on Lake Titikaka to a wedding. She took a camera which they had never seen the like before. Unfortunately she could not get the photos developed. So when Rob finishes his job he has to go to the lake ...find the people and thirty years later give them the photos.
I'd love to know when he gets to 64 whether his working in South America or his subsequent time at Durham University will ge the more memorable and morevinfluential!
Such good news for you and your son ..... I just have a few more years to go!

Mike, congratulations to both you and your son. And thanks for this post. It is a reminder to me to keep things in perspective. You did a good job raising him.

Congrats Mike. You've been there for Zander the entire trip, and alone at that. You have much to be proud of.

Our children makes us what we are..not us. To be proud of them is to acknowledge their part in our growth. This week my son of whom I am proud has just become a father..the journey is perpetual.

life is good

Congratulations to you both! Your single parenting speaks volumes about you. Proud to know ya... just sayin.

Congrats. Job well done, by you both.

Congrats to Xander!!! Your post about his first days and raising him is still one of my favorite posts here on TOP.

Congratulations to Xander and you Mike. Above all what an honour to have watched Xander grow up first of all on Luminous Landscape and then here on your marvelous blog. You are good man Mike and I'm convinced you are an exceptional father. Over the years I've have noticed you seem have a special way with kids. You understand them and they seem like your company. I would love to see you write more about parenting.

Hearty congratulations to Xander! Yes, completion of higher education still merits a cheer in my book. Now on to life!

I feel as though I've watched him grow into adulthood as a long-time reader here.


I agree with your thoughts on the small state colleges in Wisconsin. Having spent a good share of my life in that state, one of the many ideas I grew to admire was this: "The boundaries of the University are the boundaries of the State". Of course other states have this too, but it was central to what came to be known as the Wisconsin Idea. Sadly, it is now under attack by the current governor.

Well done to both of you.

Congratulations to you and Xander. A tough job successfully completed, well done to both of you :-)


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