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Sunday, 19 February 2017


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Does the address not count as text? Here is one of my favorites. I have been using bellows cameras less and less, but this was and still is one of my favorites.

Self portrait with Asahi Pentax Spotmatic, Singapore, 1972

Nikon1 V1 + 18.5mm. In use. Everyday. Never disappointed.

The image is a scan of a 43 year old photograph of what was then a near 15 year old camera.

I purchased it (quite used) in 1973 from the Pomona, California camera store where I worked.


I paid $250 for camera and lens and used it extensively for high school newspaper and yearbook work.

Eventually the camera developed a shutter curtain lag which defied repair attempts and was traded for a Leitz-Minolta CL (which was later traded in for an M6 which I still use).


Olympus OM-D E-M10 with Panasonic Lumix 20mm/1:1.7

My favourite camera has to be attached to my favourite lens.
It's an Olympus OMD EM5 converted to 720nm infrared. The lens is a Pentax 18mm f2.8 from the Auto 110 system mounted on a shift/rotate adapter with some tilt from a rubber gasket. Ahh, the strange looks I get!

Olympus E-1 + ZD14-54mm: My all-time favourite (so far). I used it for 7 years, long after it was "obsolete".

Leicaflex SL2 with Leica 280mm f/4 APO-Telyt-R

I'm still using the lens with a Sony a7rII.


Olympus Stylus Epic. The only old camera I ever held on to. Pocketable, weather resistant, great lens, viewfinder, no zoom or controls to fuss with. And full frame too. Easy to carry and use, and excellent results. Just slide it open and it turns on. I don't really use it anymore, but I can't part with it.

Here is my little 1936 Leica III that I bought about 6 years ago. I run two or three rolls of film a year through it. Inside the original camera case, I found this import card, showing the matching serial numbers of the lens and body, which have been together for over 80 years. I had it serviced for a CLA when I first got it, now all the shutter speeds work.

This is the family camera from when I was in high school ... Minolta XE-7 with 50mm Rokkor 1.4. It ultimately became mine when my brothers headed off to college ahead of me.

It's built like a tank! I shot Minolta then and probably the key reason why I shoot Sony today.

I used this camera throughout high school, college, grad school and my early work career. So, late '70s through early '90s (maybe 15 years?) way longer than any digital camera I have ever used. I love that beast ... it's still in the house somewhere. I don't think the meter works very well anymore. It's Sunny 16 or nothing. However, I do use that 50mm from time to time on my NEX-6! It is so cool to use a lens that my dad bought us nearly 40 years ago.

This image is from 2007, shot with my Konica-Minolta Maxxum 5D, my first ever DSLR.

Nikon D70
source of the picture above: ifixit.com/Guide/Nikon+D70+Top+Cover+Replacement/2114

i don't have one favourite camera, but 3, or 4, or ...
so - no picture from me.

My grandfather's: http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6q4g2uRLd1rt05zho1_1280.jpg

I found this beautiful Pentax 50mm/1.4 in a Tokyo bargain bin for the equivalent of 25 USD some years back. I didn't own a body to match, but found the fully functional black paint Spotmatic in another Tokyo shop at a similar price (including a 55/1.8 which I gave away).
For a while it shared space in a bag with a Leica M2/50mm Summicron and when I look back on the prints from the time, I can't alway say for sure which was done with which lens - and when I check, I find myself often favouring those which came from the Pentax. It is not the one I use the most, but the one I like the most.

My first SLR, an Olympus OM-1 purchased in 1972, CLA'd in 2006. Shown with what became my standard lens, 24mm/f2.8.


I bought the Leica IIIg from a shop in Aden, then a bustling port city, in 1959. I have it still and use it often too.

The image was cropped from a video freeze frame in the second of two very short videos, partly illustrated by stills shot with this camera, about a 1960s mapping project in Sarawak, Malaysia, are at: https://youtu.be/Qw8WmRZraWE & https://youtu.be/mNCuR29Ep3s

That camera has been part of so many good adventures that a bit of sentimentality about it can surely be forgiven.

[I truly enjoyed those videos, Henry--what an amazing adventure you had. Thanks very much for sharing them with us. --Mike]

I was going to post a photo of my SWC or Linhof Technika III but your instructions for posting left me completely baffled, and anyway why would I have a photo of my camera on the net, they are on my laptop....
I am so completely confused by this that it made me realize that I'll stick to my darkroom and give up on anything to do with the net for my photography, so maybe you did me a favour and pushed me over the edge, just think how much film and paper I can buy for what my D810 and lenses are worth.... wow I'm really excited now, thank you sincerely, Mark


purchased in Chicago around 1970, along with several lenses, and a war surplus gas mask bag, the Billingham of its day

Nikon FM3a. No picture; too complicated for this exercise. Alternatively, the FM2 or FE2. Perfect size, simple controls,fluid operation, gets out of your way.

Canon on the front end, Sony A7RII on the back end, Cambo Actus in the middle (the Cambo is on order, image stolen from Capture Integration)

The SONY DSC-F717. In my opinion the perfect camera ergonomically and usability wise. Sadly it is early generation digital and image quality is very poor. I always hoped Sony would make a new one with their 1" sensor used in the RX100 series...

Rollei 35 S Sonnar 2.8/40. It may be the smallest manual full frame camera ever made. I bought mine 40 years ago and it's still good.

My current Leica M-E, anthracite grey with chrome 35/2 Asph. (original version, not the new one). The hood is an original Leitz Wetlar hood off my old 35/2 from the 60s. I like the look over the plastic new one (which broke, incidentally). Current camera strap with the French flag, because, well, I'm now French!

This is probably the only camera I've ever really bonded with.


Leica M-E

My favorite camera is also my latest camera: A modified Cambo Wide DS with a Sigma Art 24-35/f2 lens and a Sony A7R "back."

Panasonic LX100. The first one (shown here) developed dust problems and broke down after 100,000 photographs taken. The second one has 35,000 photographs taken, and shows first signs of the dust problem. Still, it is the best camera for me.

Most of the audience will know what a Nikon D700 looks like. Have, and have used several mirrorless cameras, but the big old beast is still the favourite, or rather, as there's more than one, they are the favourites. Don't know of any mirrorless camera that could take that many tracking autofocus shots with a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens and the standard battery... and still have over a third of the charge left!

My favourite bits of film gear...


And (probably) cutest lens:

Current camera which provides backwards mounting for legacy Takumars.

Thought about it carefully, Mike and realized that of all the cameras I churned through over the years there are only a handful I miss and only one I want to get again... I should have never sold that IIIf or, worse, that Summitar. No better walkaround camera was ever made.

[Hi William, I couldn't make your link work, but decided to leave your comment as it identifies the camera and lens. --Mike]


I used my Spectra Pro Light-meter on everything from local TV commercials to Star Trek: The Motion Picture. I last used it on a cable commercial in the early 20-teens.

I've used everything from 16mm Arri motion picture cameras to present-day Canon digital. #cameradoesn'tmatter 8-)

Well, the request was for just the camera, so without a lens:

The favourite of my two M3's. Honesty requires me to admit I didn't do all of that brassing myself.

Wista 4x5 DX, with some modifications that I made to it (and to the tripod).

This picture and an accompanying story about some modifications garnered my first-ever rejection letter from a magazine.

[I hope not from me. And Bill, I still have one of your custom Wista baseplates! You told me at the time it was the very last of the batch, save for your own. One day I shall find the proper camera for it, and if not, I will make sure it goes to a good home. --Mike]

My current Olypmus OM1n 35mm camera is a long favorite. The tape is not to stop the back opening, but to remind me it's loaded and the filmstock in use. I've got a couple of bodies so this prevents accidents. The funky colours in the lens is due to the light painting exposure.

My old fave and new fave.

My new "real" cameras are the OMD bodies and lenses, but I shoot more with the iPhone, now a 7+ rather than the 6 shown.

The Kiev is my favorite strictly for her looks, not for her brains or ability (because she doesn’t have much of either). But what looks. The square, dignified styling, the gun-turret viewfinder and the classic silver and black tuxedo finish all say “beautifully quirky”. There’s even special handling required…you have to learn a funny right-hand grip so as not to block the rangefinder patch. And the film counter runs backwards. Did I mention the “we took the whole factory after the war” historical vibe?

Ricoh GXR-M + M42 Tele-Takumar 200mm/f5.6 and support gear

My favourite. So far...

If someone brings out a digital equivalent (mainly manual controls, match-needle metering, EVF etc) at a price I can afford, it may get replaced.

Mind you, with the re-emergence of Ektachrome, and possibly even Kodachrome, it might even be worth while getting the old beast serviced...

I hope .gif is allowed. This is an animated gif showing the unique "duo lever" focusing action on my Ricoh Diacord TLR. This teeter-totter action results in what I think is the best ergonomics of any TLR.
Ricoh Diacord L

I can't make a DSLR black plastic molded body look elegant, but as the Nikon D750 is the most functional & capable camera I've owned, it along with the surprisingly good 24-85mm f3.5-4.5 zoom is my choice.

Here's my beloved Panasonic GF1 + 20 1.7 lens. I've acquired many cameras over the years, but I keep coming back to this one. You can tell I like it because it's the only camera I have where the paint did this:

Love this combo !!

I may be all alone on this one, but I dearly loved this camera (even more than my M9). Simplicity, ergonomics, glass.

I like Bertram's choice, I used a Nikon 1 V1 for awhile and liked it. I liked its simplicity. But, It's qwirks finally made me switch to a an OM e10. Which also is far from perfect.

It was very hard to just pick one. I have cameras from 35mm - 8x10. My cameras are tools for different situations and the ones I own are my favorites in that particular format.
By far my favorite:
Chamonix 8x10 (film and wet plate)

2nd place goes to a camera that is newest in my line up and the most beautiful camera I own:
Rolleiflex 2.8FX

Fujifilm X-Pro2, Fujinon XF16mm f/1.4 R WR

Leica S (typ 007) with vario-elmar 30-90 plus RRS L bracket. This camera set up is amazingly versatile. So much of a dream set up I was tempted to put a halo over it. The system has been with me seven years. No other system has lasted as long.

Pictured is a Nikon F that my Dad purchased in 1961 in Hong Kong. Then in 1966 he sold it to me. It came with a bunch of stuff: waist level viewfinder, FTN head, 3 lenses: 28mm, 58mm, and 135mm, and more misc stuff.

In the picture the Nikon F has the 28mm f3.5 attached. Reason being that was the lens I used 99.9%. The 135mm I used only 3 times and that was at the Can-Am races at Laguna Seca. The 58mm I hated. No depth-of-field at all. Today that’s a plus but not for me even now.

Don’t know if you can see the depth-of-field markings, probably not, but using f16 the depth-of-field is from 3 feet to infinity! If you’re dodging bullets then taking time to focus isn’t your primary worry. I didn’t have that extreme of an experience but I did get into situations where I didn’t have time to focus.

I had to retire the camera when the material that the mirror lands on dried up and couldn’t do it’s job. Since I had other Nikons I retired this one. My dad took it all over the world and I also took it to some strange places. Never let me or my Dad down.

Nikon FE2 with MD-12 winder. If I ever went back to shooting film, this is the camera to which I would return without hesitation.

I don't really have one favorite. However, in the spirit of 'porn,' you already published and still host two pictures of my best-looking camera:


My current favorite is my GRll. When I first used it I thought it felt like a Canon Elph, but it just keeps getting better the longer I own it.

I bought the hood and filter after the first week when I slipped on some ice and got snow into the lens area. Definitely a little fragile there and far from weatherproof.

It was not happy that I made it pose and then took such boring, clinical shots of it...

No preference. As Robert DeNiro said, I use the tool for the job.


Channeling Jan Svankmajer for camera porn (aka Fujifilm x pro 1 as erotic cuckold fantasy)

(ducks for cover)

cartoon: <br />
antique camera

The cartoon was done for a German magazine sometime around 1973. The legends are Japanese, clipped from somewhere, possibly a sushi menu.
Permission to republish - granted to the Online Photographer
R Erickson, 20 February 2017

Your review of the Zeiss Ikon ZI was the reason I bought one. I love it.

My trusty Nikon D3100. It is, as they say, "sufficient" and that's all I need.

[Very fetching! :-D Made me laugh. --Mike]

Rolleiflex Old Standard from 1932, found in an old junk shop and bought for £90 about 8 years ago. Functional, but rarely used.

Rolleiflex Old Standard (1932)

Trying again...

Aha !

And digital:

In the mid 1940s I used a Speed Graphic when working, but had a Zeiss Super Ikonta B as a personal camera. In the early 1950s, I got a newer Super Ikonta B that had a coated lens. I started using it again in the 1990s for photo essays, but now mostly use the medium format Fuji GF670 because it has a much better viewfinder.

Dear Mike -

I couldn't quite figure out what you meant about using the code with my URL. So here is the URL itself, which I hope is usable.


Here's my comment:

The Contax T2, with its ultra sharp Zeiss 38mm f2.8 Sonnar lens, may be the best camera I've ever owned. I paid $775 for it in the mid 90s (2017 equivalent = $1250). Even though I no longer shoot film, I still have - and cherish - this elegant little camera.

As I wrote in a 2015 Luminous Landscape article, "I’ve always favored small cameras; they suit my street-shooting style. During the film years it came down to Leica CL and Contax T and TVS compacts, and now I use a digital Fujifilm X20. This allows me to carry a good camera everywhere I go; after all, the best shots turn up at the damnedest times."

No picture but an empty Quaker Oats box pinhole camera has more meaning than anything I've owned or used since. My father introduced me to photography using one.

The basement was our darkroom. Only worked at night.

The Fujifilm X-system models as a whole have a been a revelation for me, all of which were key in rejuvenating my passion for photography after becoming physicially worn out, spiritually empty, and jaded from over a decade of shooting pro Canon gear.
It all started with the X-Pro1...which admittedly was a "niche camera" but delivered beautiful images. I recently sold it and now regret it.

The X-T1 brought the system to the "mainstream" and I did a lot of quality work with this camera.

The little X100T is the one camera that literally goes with me everywhere; absolutely love this wonderful camera.

The X-T2 is the performance beast that will alllow me to finally move away from Canon pro gear once and for all (and my back will thank me for it).

I'll show you mine, if you show me yours... :-)

[I will, tomorrow. I was going to include it in today's post but I went on, er, a little long. (So what else is new?) --Mike]

Zeiss Ikon Contina, IIa or maybe III. Scale focus, 45mm f/2.8 three element Pantar lens. The camera is not all that special except that my dad used it to take most of our family photos from the 1960s. Still, for an entry level camera (late 50s) it has a remarkable "made by elves" feel to it.

Way, way back in the day I went to high school and used an Anniversary Speed Graphic that my uncle used before me. Developed the negatives, printed them and had a great time with it. Wish I still had it.
Later on went to 35mm and bought a Nikon F in 1969 had an Ftn finder, bunch of Nikkors. The Nikon still works fine (batteries, of course, are not available for the Ftn finder)and the Nikkors have found new life on my micro 4/3 bodies.

Because family heirloom.

In the Spring of 1958 I was a 13-year-old enthusiastic photographer. What I lacked was a suitable enthusiast's camera. In honor of my graduation from the eighth grade, my mother accompanied me to Peerless Camera in midtown Manhattan and bought me this very Hexacon (nee Contax S) SLR and C.Z.Jena lens. My enthusiasm has persisted to this day thanks to that auspicious start.

This is my Mamiya/Sekor 500 DTL. I've owned and used many cameras that were far more capable than this is, but none will ever be more favored.

I received my first camera when I was 9 years old. It was a cheap Kodak point and shoot. After using that for a little more than a year, my dad passed on this camera just before we took our first family trip to Colorado. Over the years it taught me a lot about shutter speeds, f stops, focal lengths, etc. When my dad passed away in 1995, this became one of my most treasured possessions. A link to him via the hobby that we both loved.

I took this photo of the camera when Nikon ran their "Pure Photography" campaign at the launch of the Df. This represents the idea of pure photography to me. There's really only one change that I would have liked to make to the photo. I wish I could have included a roll of Kodachrome 64 instead of Tri-X. Like my dad, I shot a lot of Kodachrome growing up. Indeed, it was a rite of passage for me with this very camera when I was allowed to start shooting Kodachrome over the cheaper and easier to process Ektachrome that I had started with. My last Kodachrome photo before Dwayne's ceased processing was a picture of my dad's grave marker. It was as close as I could get to taking a photo of him.

I wish I could still load up some K-64 in the 500 DTL. A day with this camera and that film would bring back some very, very fine memories. I miss him more than one would think possible after 22 years. Whenever I pull this camera out, though, I'm reminded of what an amazing man he was and it inspires me to be the best person and photographer I can be.

Yesterday I took a trip to visit a cousin I haven't seen in years.
We were talking about photography and I got to hold his Olympus E-510 for the first time in my life.
We bonded immediatly, it was amazing. It has the perfect size, the perfect weight and, o my god, the most beatiful grip I've ever hold.

Got back home a little bitter. Had I know that, I could have bought one of those when new and enjoyed photography a lot more than I did the last couple of years.

My Rolleiflex TLR is probably the one I love most. My current Olympus E-M5 is a joy to use. Brought back the excitement that I almost had lost in the digital era. But the camera of my life must be the Canon F1, the first version. It only failed once. After two days in the Amazone jungle it got damp inside. During the night I took of the lens and put it under a warm bulb and the next day it worked as good as always. I could have used it for hammering a nail into the wall. I didn't, but once (no joke) I hit a adolescent orang utan with it that tried to steel it.

Not the best camera in the world, but it was the small camera that made me leave the DSLR behind. I am still using m43 cameras these days. I have a weather proof set with zooms and a fast prime for heavy duty, but also a Pen and some small primes for the fun factor. They're just marvellous cameras!

My favorite camera, hands down:

Zeiss C Biogon 35/2.8 on Leica M9-P, January 26, 2013
Zeiss C Biogon 35/2.8 on Leica M9-P, January 26, 2013

My favorite film camera:

Leica M4-P With 50mm f2 Jupiter-8 Lens, April, 2010
Leica M4-P With 50mm f2 Jupiter-8 Lens, April, 2010

About 5 years ago I got my hands on one of these, the product of the Leica/Minolta SLR collaboration. The lens here pre-dates it, but I love the combo.


This will always be one of my favorite cameras: my first digital in 2001. I used it on my group desert trips to photograph the outings for my web site.

- Richard

For sheer trademark aesthetics, I don't think any other company has bettered this (though I'm really not claiming the same for my picture of it);

This happens to be my second successful exposure on New 55 film yesterday (third exposure altogether, I had the film holder incorrectly assembled on the first attempt). I went slightly "bananas" when I bought this camera, so I figure making a still life with bananas was fitting. That said, it's probably my favorite camera.

My c.1950 Meridian 45CE prototype, one of two known extant-- until it burned up in a forest fire


I gotta say, I miss this guy and the top-view finder. Like with the F717 lament above, if only they'd gone further with it (else this was the ultimate evolution of the 707/717/828 series)

Try that sizing again since the width tag didn't work -

I do not know if it's working anymore. But it was dad's preferred camera, and we had stereo slides in 1972...

(Bonus the Raketa 24-hour wrist clock that, yes, still works.)

My favorite camera. I have had it since the mid 1970's. Still take it out at least once a year to run a few rolls through it. This was taken at Mesa Verde in 2013.

Pentax K-01
Pentax K-01 is in the house

Since I didn't even know what "URL" means (but I looked it up), I certainly couldn't follow the instructions on posting photos. But then it occurred to me that I don't have any photos of any of my cameras, either past or present. So, picture this: Chrome Leica M6 with 35mm Summicron loaded with Tri-X or HP5. I sold it and my other Leica equipment when I moved to digital. The Leica just barely edges past my beat up old Nikon F2 that I still have but haven't used in years. Also, for digital, picture this: Black Fujifilm X100S loaded with a 32 GB Sandisk card. I almost chose the X-Pro1 but the little compact camera fits me a tad better most of the time.

See, what I want is what is known around here as a DMD. Folks rave about the Ricoh GR's with 28mm-e lenses. I like the idea, but want an EVF and a ~40mm-e lens. So I mocked one up here. I still can't believe that Sigma is the only one to do a range of prime cameras. Both Fuji & Ricoh got so close, but didn't fill out the range.

Wonderful thread. (Wish I could figure out how to join it.)

Hi Mike,

My favorite camera is the big Fuji G690 6x9 rangefinder camera with interchangeable lenses. Here's a picture with the 50mm lens (equivalent to a 21mm lens on a 24x36 camera):



[Abbazz is the noted Fujica G690 guru Sebastien Lallement:




Even though I've pretty much gone over to the Dark Side, I can't part with this film beauty. At my peak I was taking over a roll of Tri-X a week, and some of those are still some of my best photos. Simply put, I was "seeing well" and this camera didn't get in the way of seeing well.

I have a 50 and a 90 but most of my photos were taken with this 35mm Summaron.

10.5 years later and my favorite is still the setup you featured on T.O.P. on July 26, 2006. Nikon S3 with 35/50/105 lenses.

My current favorite is:


My favorite camera is the one I'm shooting with now...whenever that happens to be. Right now it's a Panasonic GX8.

But for something like 20 years I worked with a Nikon FE. I think it is the best all-around 35mm SLR ever made. Not too small, not too big. All the features I needed without the many expensive features I never used of the "top-of-the-line" models. I still have it, but it lives in a showcase with other cameras from over the years now. It shows the effects of all those years of service, but it still works just fine and I pull it out every once in a while when I want to shoot some film. That old Tokina 28-70 was my favorite lens for many of those years. Now the 12-60 on the GX8 serves the purpose even better.


Mine is the Fujifilm S5Pro -- for it's dynamic range and color rendition.

I know it is my favorite because it is the only camera I wish I still had, even with "only" 8 MP

Contax 159MM. When I was and getting interested in photography I remember reading an sort of review/article about the Contax 159MM and Zeiss lenses which had great pictures and made me want to have one. Eventually I bought a Canon T90 over the then current Contax 167, largely because the lenses were more affordable. Then, around 20 years later, I found a Zeiss 50mm in a charity shop for a tenner then got a 159MM to go with it. Since then I've tried a couple of other Contaxes, built a collection of Zeiss lenses which is now in double figures and still think the T90 is better than the Contax 167!


The beautiful Graflex in a previous comment almost intimidated me. But I'm adding my Crown Graphic. I remember well the day I bought it. A co-worker's mother was a retired newspaper photographer for, I believe, the Atlanta Constitution. She was having a garage sale, and i got first dibs on this camera. She asked $25, and threw in a Grafmatic sheet film holder (rapid changing of up to six sheets) and a bunch of regular 4x5 holders. I used the camera for years, bought a couple of extra lensboards to mount some Schneider lenses (210 f/5.6 and 90 f/5.6). As an photographer, it was a treat to get those big, beautiful negatives and transparencies. As an engineer, I marveled at the ingenuity that went into the camera. The top-mounted rangefinder is not only coupled to the focusing rack, but it has a battery compartment and light bulb that projects two beams for nighttime focusing - when the beams meet at the subject, the camera is focused. The viewfinder has a sliding metal foil that is coupled to the focusing mechanism, and moves to give parallax correction. It was a wonderful tool for film photography, and if I could afford a good digital back, I'd likely still be using it.

Film - Olympus XA2. My first 35mm camera. I used it for many years. I didn't realize how good it was until I tried replacing it with some 35mm point and shoot zoom cameras. So it became a favorite after I owned it.

Digital - Panasonic FX01. My first wide angle camera, and the smallest digital wide angle camera made at the time. My enthusiasm for photography took a big leap with this camera, from the first day I used it.


Final try. Linking to Flickr has failed twice. The BB-Code link showed up as a link, and 75 people have already gotten there (thanks!). So I tried again with the "share" link, and that just produces a little blue square that does nothing. Here's a copy on an old hosting site, PBase:


Weird how no one loves Hasselblads. Everyone I hung out with wanted one back on the day. Were they too utilitarian for analog romanticism? Admittedly if I were partaking in this exercise I'd be positing a picture of the Rolleiglex 3.5e that I inherited from my dad.

Rolleiflex 2.8C Zeiss Planar 80mm, Circa 1954

Camera, lens, and film. I think somebody already mentioned this, so two votes then.


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