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Saturday, 14 January 2017


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I especially like the digital image of the abstract arrangement of thin cardboard rectangles randomly arranged in a pile lit with availavable light from the side. How much is a print of that ?

Hey! That's a good rug. Do you collect?

I'm curious about the shipping boxes. Different design from the Uline packages I've used...

Sorry about the foggy iPad snap. Looks bad, but the boxes looked good all stacked up in the post office.

These are Uline boxes, item S-16967, "22 x 18 x 2 3/4" Kraft Tab Locking Literature Mailers"

Though I was going to avoid Uline, I ended up with these. They are all out through USPS.

I wished the boxes were somewhat wider than 22." They are quite rigid and protected on all sides, and the prints are sandwiched between foam core cut just a bit wider than the prints with air pillows on top and bottom.

Anyone, please let me know if there are any problems!

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