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Monday, 23 January 2017


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The difference going from a Fuji X-T1 to an X-T2 (with Vertical Power Booster Grip0 is like going from a Canon 80D to a Canon 1Dx MkII.

I have 3 of Rico's books and all of them are as accessible as you stated. Currently reading the X-T2 version.

I wish they wouldn't call the digital cameras "Fujifilm". I mean, what does the "film" part of the name say? I wee that and despite knowing the history and understanding how they elided from one condition to another, I can't stop myself putting a little negative cross against the cameras. Odd, but there it is.

As a result, in my head, Fuji cameras have to jump that big higher to be seen as performers.

Panasonic? Well, way back when I remember them changing their name from "National" as they focused on assaulting the audio market. :)

Cheers, Geoff

Agree "FujiFilm" is a silly name: it's digital, nothing wrong with just "Fuji". Or why not go back to "Fujica" as in the 70s (Fuji-camera as in Leitz-camera).

[I don't think you guys have much of a case. It's the name of the company, and the company's main product historically was film, and it still makes film.

Anyway, there's no fruit in Froot Loops and no cheese in Cheez Wiz. Where's the beef? --Mike]

Where's the beef? --Mike

Under the pickle.

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