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Wednesday, 04 January 2017


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Just lovely!

Which paper is which in the above shot? Unless it is a trick of lighting, the one on the left appears to have deeper/richer blacks.

I am curious to see which lens was used, as I find the bokeh wonderful. There is smoothness, diffusion, but still some structure that makes the background recognizable. All this adds a nice sense of depth.

Hi Mike,

In the past I've noticed you had a 'sticky' link (above the newest posts) to the ongoing sale, and I don't see that now nor, I think, the last time a print sale happened here. It seems like that would still be quite helpful for people who don't always scroll down to see all the articles they missed?

(No need to publish this comment, I just wanted to make sure you were thinking about the sticky if you had just forgotten to do it.)

My sales stock is either framed (behind glass) or wrapped in cellophane and in that state I can't see any difference between my gloss and matte prints. When looking closely at a "raw" print you can see the difference if you look carefully but once framed I don't think most people can tell.

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