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Monday, 28 November 2016


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Re: bathing dogs. I replaced my stock showerhead with one that is on the end of a short (~6 ft) length of hose. As I recall, there were several varieties to choose from at the Home Depot. Simple to install. Its the best solution I've found for wetting-down and rinsing-off my canines. Much easier and faster than using a bucket or trying to get them to stand under the tap or showerhead.

Shoot. Shoot now. Then shoot some more. Spray 'n pray for all that it matters...

The longer you spend in/around a place the more you get used to the visuals, and will not pick up the camera.

Seeing a place with your eyes and seeing through your images are two very different things. Shoot now, see what works, see what doesn't, and then revisit the things you find compelling.

Writing group?? Kool. Maybe I'd like to do that. How did you do it?

I tend to "work a scene" pretty extensively. I generally have more success when I have a plan, and what I want to do before arriving.

PS: My website up once again-finally!

Bicycle saddle, one hopes! LOL.

Cheers, Geoff

... when I encounter a "photo opportunity" Huh?

Many photographers consider themselves artists. How many painters have you seen wandering aimlessly around town, with their easel, canvas and paintbox, looking for a painting opportunity? I've seen a few on scouting missions, with a sketch book, looking for subjects to paint. Sorta like a photographer with an iPhone, taking photo-notes. i.e. a great shot of the country church, if only the sun was behind the steeple. I'll figure-out when the sun will be at the best position, (there's an app for that). And come back later to get the perfect-shot that I have in my minds eye.

For me, photography isn't about blind-luck. It's all about meticulous planning. Your milage may vary.

it is all about getting one of those hand shower things and giving them lots of treats. You would start by clicking and rewarding them just for being near the shower and then you can start rewarding them for just standing in the shower when it's not on; increasing the duration. Then maybe you want sprinkle them with water just from your hand, more clicking and treats and so on. Before you know it they'll be joining you every morning for a scrub.

About working a scene... I milk a scene for all it's worth. I first take the obvious picture, then experiment, shoot facing different directions, and ask myself what gives the scene its feel. Many times the light bulb doesn't turn on until I've hung around for 30 or 40 minutes.

An example: Once on a drizzly winter night in Seattle I found myself down by the much photographed public market. First I took the postcard pic of the big neon sign, then I tried to work some people into the shots. I shot from all four corners of the main intersection out front of the market. Of course I was a little nervous photographing strangers but what I soon realized was no one was paying attention to me. I relaxed and started to ask myself what is the essence of this place, where does this compelling energy come from? After chimping my images I decided the most important elements were the people who moved with purpose through the weather and the neon light reflecting from wet cobblestone. That's when I came up with the winning idea, walk through the intersection with a big group of pedestrians, shoot wide angle at ankle level without looking through the viewfinder, and try to get the iconic sign in the background. It took several tries and about 50 failed photos, but I eventually got my shot. http://www.photos4u2c.net/2015/01/12/wet-neon-nights-seattle/

Another example of working the scene are the hills above my neighborhood. I'm fortunate to live in a valley surrounded by beautiful public lands. I hike and jog the hills all the time. I know all the overlooks and hidden forest glens. However the problem with nature photography in California is we rarely have a cloud in the sky. Most days the sky is a solid blue dome. I leave my camera at home those days, but when the winter storms start to roll through I'm ready with 10 or 20 photo ideas. I have spots that are easy to get to with the kids and other places that are good for dog photos. People ask me how I get such great photos of my kids in landscapes and the answer is planning.

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