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Tuesday, 25 October 2016


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The international shipping is this time $105.00 ...

Just Ordered! Indeed, it will be a nice companion to the first book, which I have only skimmed through, giving most of my attention to the photos. With 5 months of winter rain on its way, both volumes will soon get the closer read they deserve.

Would you be willing to part with your copy of Larry Clark's Tulsa or Alex Soth's Sleeping by the Mississippi?

[Sorry, no. :-) --Mike]

Got the books last time. Great! Just ordered this one too. Thanks again.


Ordered and now the wait begins. Looking forward to getting back home to read this one too. Thanks Mike!

Thank you Mike. This is a time in photography that fascinates me.

Ordered! Thanks

Quick note about something I found slightly confusing. On the page where you enter the promo code, there is a "recalculate" button. If you click this after entering the code, the balance due does not change (the part I found confusing). However, the discount is applied once you get to the final stage of checkout. Just thought I'd mention it. Looking forward to seeing the book -- thanks for pulling this together Mike!

Mine is ordered, and coming to Canada via my daughter and her family in the US to keep the delivery cost under control – so my daughter and family will get to enjoy it as well :) (I still have to pick up my last TOP book order, but they tell me the Nelson Atkins books are very good, worth waiting for – and coming to get!)

100+bucks for international shipping?
Good luck!...

For those faced wtih no way to avaoid the international shipping charges, take a look at Abe books website...


Where you will find a number of new and "good" copies whose cost including shipping is below that of the museum or the book depository.

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