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Thursday, 04 August 2016


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Have no fear, Jay is not homeless. He has found some nice digs in Brooklyn which will comfortably house him and his family. See the attached link from the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/21/realestate/15-5-million-arecord-for-brooklyn-real-estate.html

"You have no obligation to...the camera or its damned histograms"

Like it Mike.

I think I learned more about how to take photographs in that 2:43 video (How to be a better photographer) than I've learned from most books I've read. Basically, don't run around looking for photographs, be patient and let them happen in front of you.

Here's another inside look, this one more legitimate (and undoubtedly costly):


You can "see" the neighborhood vibe in many of Jay Maisel's photos. What a rich feast just by walking out the door. He has the "eye" for the graphically rich world full of color and shapes. Let's hope he keeps running workshops and continues teaching us his mantra: Light+Gesture+Color...This an image taken just outside the entrance to Jay's building.


More 'roof' than 'rooftop garden' going by the photos I've been able to find.

The Half Moon Tavern was a coupla blocks from there in the '70s. Never forget my first time walking in- everyone (and I mean, everyone) sported a quart of Bud. Apparently, the only item sold...

Wow. He's been a major figure in the field from when I was first paying any attention to photography (before I got into anything but the most basic snapshots myself) until...now, still, I guess. I wouldn't be shocked if he was part of the reason that the "standard" photographer people aspired to be changed from a photojournalist to a commercial photographer.

Several years ago I had the inexpressible pleasure of experiencing Jay's course. The startling thing about it was that at the time it didn't seem like "much". He looked at my submissions and said "You are very good at this. Now go shoot people". But, Jay I don't photograph people! And didn't for some time after. Years later the lessons from that experience are still emerging. Today, I'm an inveterate Street Photographer who parks the "expectations" with the car, walks slowly and stays open to what's happening NOW. OH JOY!

Many Thanks Jay!

John W

If you inflation correct** the $102,000 cash in 1966 would buy you "household goods" to the tune $758,823 of in 2016. About 7.5 times.

So that's still a 7248% (72x) inflation corrected return on investment.

But it shows where the Bowery has ended up today. There's not a lot of funk or drunks there any more. Even the old CBGBs is a boutique. The Manhattan is dying under the weight of real estate money. It's happening in Seattle too.

** Using the CPI Inflator. There are several different measures you can use to correct for inflation.


Over the Years he has been a speaker many times at PhotoPlus in NY
I don't know if I've caught them all, but probably at least a half dozen of them. Always the best part of that show for me. Over the years he seems only to get better.
One year someone did ask him if he had a 'Lens Baby' ? Long pause, he answered somthing about all his lenses being fully grown....

Well done. I like to read about guys who are smart and successful. Good advice to be open and to look at art, not photography, too.

it's good to be rich

Jay Maisel for President!

I met him while I was in college, when he came out to give a talk in Santa Fe. Great guy, and did a portfolio review right on the spot for me. Glad to hear he's still doing well.

Jay is (IMO) the Yoda of photography, a Jedi Master.

I grew up just a couple blocks from that building; I know it well — from the outside, that is.

Catching up from a nice long weekend off the grid, so to say, and saw this, ( http://bit.ly/2aHGkfD ), in the news just minutes before reading this post.

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