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Saturday, 07 May 2016


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Nyquist as a name for a horse: NO.
It is a fine old Swedish family name.

I am in the Yacht business and boat names are of the same genre of interesting names as racehorses. I Recently arranged a showing of a boat called "Quite a Riot" and commented to my buyer that it sounded more like the name of a race horse than a Yacht. Rock bands might fall into that genre also. Of course a now famous rock band in Russia holds the #1 spot for any name that has the word "riot" in it !

I guess horse racing is a "sport". Dog racing, same. I often wonder IF the animals could give us their take on it how they would feel about it.

No tv, not even one used for watching dvd's or streaming video? Well to each his own, but I often find something of value on the tube (can't really say tube anymore can we).

Good Saturday to you,

Hoof-Hearted on the outside... Hoof-Hearted in the winners circle! :-)

Should be able to stream it on the web (http://stream.nbcsports.com/horse-racing/?pid=21651) if you're brave enough to have Flash Player installed on your computer.

Re: David Zivic's post, I went through a period a couple decades ago when spent a lot of time sailing. There was an all-womens' racing boat named "Cunning Stunts" and another racing boat called Fujimo, which sounds Japanese, but wasn't -- the owner's girlfriend told him not to buy another racing boat, but when he did, she allegedly said, "F--- you, Jerry, I'm moving out." Hence, Fujimo. Boat names, band names, horse names, they have to be memorable and clever, but not too stupid. Too bad camera companies can't catch on to this whole idea, and quit this OM-D E-M5 Mark II nonsense.

I'm afraid that horse racing leaves me as cold as does pool.
On the other hand I love cricket, so I suppose I'm in no position to judge you.

[Yes, that wouldn't be cricket. --Mike]

Sample the favorite, Nyquist.

After reading the first batch of comments posted, I'm surprised no one else noticed this pun. You did intend it to be one on the Nyquist sampling theorem, didn't you? :-)

Horsey McHorseface.

["Horse Not Found.
The horse Horsey McHorseface can't be found in the database. Please check to see if you've made a typo. Otherwise, you can Add Horsey McHorseface to the database by simply entering sire/dam information."


Nyquist Limit would be a pretty good name, though.
(assuming it hasn't already been used.)

"Sample ... Nyquist." I see what you did there.

I spent the morning shooting the Windermere Cup, the Kentucky Derby of collegiate rowing. The UW against Stanford and the Russian national team in the marquee race; Huskies left 'em for dead.

"Sample the favorite, Nyquist."

leads to another potential name:
Half the Frequency

Nyquist is now eight for eight, so you don't get any aliasing no matter how you sample. Sorry....

If he gets any moire wins he'll be Nyquist limited!

I forcast a spate of physics jokes that will leave the non geeks in a circle of confusion.

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