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Wednesday, 04 May 2016


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My wife loves her little gold MacBook. Though when we bought it I kept asking "are you *sure* you only want 1 non standard port?"

It has turned out to not be that much of a problem just make sure to buy the USB-C -> standard USB+USB-C+ display dongle.

Regarding the Sonyblad Stellar;

Imagine strolling down New York City's 5th Avenue or the Causeway Bay in Hong Kong. This is the camera that you want slung from your shoulder. The Stellar Special Edition Digital Camera pairs Hasselblad's refined Swedish design with Italian opulence.

Living a hop, skip and a jump from Causeway Bay as I do I can safely say I have never seen anyone with a Stellar over their shoulder. Leica M9, check. Leica S2, check. Canikons with huge big lenses, check, check and check.

You are more likely to see a gold plated Hermes Leopard skin and Buffalo horn Royal edition Leica M6 than a Stellar.

My mom would be happy with the her negatives that her first husband absconded with. (Shot with a Leica BTW)

Every mom should have a Leica M. But, if your mother doesn't like rangefinders, SEND THEM TO ME!

I'd love an M typ 262 or an M-P and hell, I'd take one of those goofy M-Ds, too.

Honestly, I'm tempted by that Hasselblad Stellar at its current price.

Day rates (or better, "creative fees") have been in the low thousands for the past 30-40 years for average middle-market advertising and corporate shooters... at least for the ones who stay in business.

Day rates as a term should have died out in the 80s, with the exception of editorial photography... which isn't really viable as a profession except for a very few (who tend to supplement it with ad or outside work).

All my mother seems to want is a weed burner that has more than the puny 4 foot flame her current one has. At 86 years old she seems to have a hard time figuring out new cameras, but flamethrowers she's fine with.

Maggie, I disagree. My mom had a Contax IIa with a collapsible Tessar 50mm and introduced her three sons and husband to photography.

I can't think of a more perfect camera for mothers day. You can still find them in near mint condition, occasionally.

"Here's a camera that actual photographer moms might like."

The TG-4 is a camera with a split personality. As a rugged P&S, IQ is far superior to their TG-8x0 series.

Then, after a quick trip to the phone booth . . .

Raw output. I know, some folks say that's of no consequence with tiny, high pixel count sensors. With both of my 1/2.3" cameras, TG-4 and Panny ZS40, the Raw files make a huge difference in the quality I get out of the camera. The post processed version may seem overdone to some, but that's the point; these Raw files stand up to serious manipulation.

Microscope Mode, super close focus - with focus stacking in camera. With the accessory ring light pipe, it will shoot Microscope Mode and focus stack in complete darkness.

A very capable and useful camrea in a small, rugged package/ I imagine there are some moms who would like it.

My mom had a Contax IIa with a collapsible Tessar 50mm and introduced her three sons and husband to photography.

I cannot argue that! Especially one in good condition.

Meanwhile, I bought the Hasselblad Stellar, with the olive wood grip.

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