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Tuesday, 24 November 2015


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I am fortunate to own a signed copy of French Kiss by Peter.
I know his offering of the print will be just as happily received by your "viewers."
We were 2 blocks from the Bataclan when the proverbial crap hit the fan and consider ourselves fortunate to have missed it.

Ah....the suspense! Price!! Christmas gifts for family or my first print ever...

Just referring to the mention of "still free". I'd pay $12.00 a year in a heartbeat for a subscription to TOP-and still use the Links, etc.

I have the Eiffel tower print hanging in my kitchen; bought it at the TOP sale some years ago. I draws lots of admiration and comments.

10.08 am!! Where are you? Just a bit of humor to offset the agony of the wait...

[Very sorry! I have houseguests and everyone got up late. I lost track of the time!! Bad Mike, bad!

Fixed now, though.


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