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Tuesday, 13 October 2015


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Odd concept. Were there indigenous people to the Americas? I haven't kept up with archeological discoveries so maybe things have changed and I missed it. Do scientists still believe the Americas were settled by humans from Asia crossing into what is now Alaska and spreading throughout the continent? If so, doesn't that mean no one really was indigenous to the American continents? We all just got here at different times.

I read the quoted Christopher Columbus... I felt the need to verify this passage, not because am doubtful of the savagery perpetrated by Columbus, but of how sometimes the truth can get a little twisted. The passage quoted are not the words of Christopher Columbus but of Michele de Cuneo, an aristocrat that accompanied him on the second voyage. No consolation and assuredly not a vindication of Columbus and his methods.


There is no excuse for such behavior and no excuse to celebrate a man that permitted and condoned such treatment as normal.

That is the official name of the day in many places in the country, although some call it Native American Day:


I probably won't be the first to point put that the quote attributed to Columbus is more often attributed to one of his party, Michele de Cuneo.

Columbus role--"giving" the woman to Cuneo--is no less ignoble, but he was apparently not the rapist in this instance.


Too damn right we should have an indigenous peoples day. This country hasn't been the same since the Normans came here, building their stupid pointed arches everywhere. Not to mention adding foreign words to our language. We, the Saxons, got here first.

Roger Bradbury

(Yep, satire alert...)

The guy was hopelessly lost, "discovered" nothing, and responsible for the deaths of thousands.

Happy Holiday!

See also The Oatmeals' magistral take-down of Columbus:

It is very likely that the only true indigenous people live in Africa. The rest of us (or our ancestors) are/were from somewhere's else at some point in history.

(Yes this overlooks parallel-evolution theories.)

Having said that, I understand the real message. It could well have been called "The Beginning of the End Day" or "Yes, We were using this Hemisphere Day"


So, how was the Cristopher Colon action different from what each and every "indigenous" tribe in the Americas was already practicing (slavery, that is).

Oh, yes, he documented his actions in writing, in a manner that allowed for replication and distribution........something no western hemisphere culture could do at the time.

Is that account, allegedly by Columbus, authentic?

Choose your heroes carefully.

My son has a great T-shirt showing four Native Americans armed with rifles of various vintage, with the caption "defending the homeland from terrorists since 1492."


The Columbus quote is more than sardonic, describing his rape of a Carib woman.

The Carib woman story was....um...interesting.

oops, a second look and I realize it was written by C. Columbus. That wasn't clear in the enlargement, it gets cutoff just at the last line, I noticed the byline on the small picture.

I guess Columbus had a good run from 1492 until the internet happened.

In Australia our equivalent to Columbus Day is Australia Day celebrated on January 26th. Aboriginal people, the indigenous people of this country, call it Invasion Day.

I was thinking that such boards are the same all over the world, each with their own humorous percentage of crackpots and anti staplers. But you not mentioning the Columbus quote pinned in the centre? Chilling and disturbing (if true).

Dear AHC McDonald,

The text passage is misattributed, as it comes from the diaries of Miguel de Cuneo. The "Lord Admiral" is Columbus. de Cuneo's letters do not seem to be in question, although various English translations report the text somewhat differently (although not in any important particulars).

So, no, Columbus did not commit this particular rape, he "merely" provided the victim to his friend to rape.

Some have tried to imagine this was an isolated incident or that Columbus was somehow unaware of how his crew treated the women and girls he provided them, but given the commonness of such practices at the time, this seems way beyond unlikely. He was brought up on charges for his mistreatment of the "Americans."

pax / Ctein

I don't know how many people were able to read the page of text ...

So depressing.

I travelled from Mexico to Brazil and up to Venezuela over a year in 1990-91 and there were pins and little badges everywhere that people wore that read '500 years of resistance '

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