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Wednesday, 12 August 2015


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Golden Age or not (I LOVE my E-M5), "Optical Pony Premo No. 6" is a way better name than any camera has today. OM-D E-M5? WHAAAT? Was there a deadlock in the naming committee, Olympus?

Nikon's nomenclature escapades once prompted a friend to suggest that Nikon's next camera should be the Bob.

Dear camera makers, watch and learn. Your task is now to come up with a camera name that beats Optical Pony.

Mike, So you "love today's cameras" (last post) AND you love yesterday's cameras (today's post). Ergo, you just love cameras period ;)

A workshop(s) is a great idea. How about B&W shooting and printing? But really, any excuse will do fine.

Digital photographers, like me, who make digital negatives and contact print make lots of use of our print washers.

Two lovely cameras, though.

I used to have a Horseman press camera like that. I can't remember the exact model, though. I bought it used from a rather handy fellow who used it with a Schneider Convertible Symmar (the elements in front of the shutter could be removed to turn it into a much longer focal-length lens) and machined his own custom cam so that lens would work with the Horseman's rangefinder.

I used that camera for everything from architectural and macro work with careful shifts and tilts composed on the groundglass, to, believe it or not, nightclub party photos, taken with flash and the rangefinder/viewfinder combo. It was an amazingly versatile camera. I often regret selling it and wish it was still around just to be admired on a shelf, and occasionally played with for old-times sake.

Mike, you said "digital photographers do not have a great deal of use for print washers"

But a few do. I have a nice platinum/palladium print here a friend made from a digital file and ink-jet interneg, and it might work to print those internegs on regular silver paper. Is it possible to get results comparable with prints from film that way? I don't know but am curious.

Also in the past I have toyed with the idea of a paper writer like a Durst Lambda, mainly for color work but I liked the idea of being able to do B&W as well.

Check that viewfinder!

Sounds suspiciously like Lake Wobegon "Where all the children are above average."
Mi dos centavos

I reckon the "top" camera (see what I did there) would be perfect on one of those wooden tripods you mentioned recently.

As for your plans for the TOPNWHQ (plans sounds better than dreams to me, more definite) it sounds like some good things are afoot.

What happened to your Canon Pixma Pro-1?

[Alas, had to go to a good home long ago, because I wasn't able to exercise it properly. --Mike]

Please take that gorgeous pony for a ride. I've got some Polaroid 55 in the frig and a couple of Polaroid backs if needed. Just say the word.

Darn, I was going to go that. No really, I considered it ... until I looked at my checking account. Curses.

Yes, I do have a bed in my bedroom, but the photo stuff (desk and extension, printer tower, desk chair, bookcases) occupy more square feet than the bed.

I don't anticipate having an "old camera" display, other than my beloved 1968 Mamiya-Sekor DTL 1000 35mm SLR and a film canister or two. The view camera lives in its suitcase, and the camera is not a beautiful polished wood folder, just black aluminum. No point in having it on display. Maybe I will dig up a copy of the 120-using Kodak Brownie my mom gave me for camp age 8 - lord knows where that went, but the camp was my first exposure to the magic of the darkroom.

Both of the local photo stores have wonderful collections mounted high on the walls.

I will be the first to sign up for your workshops at Eastlake! Looking forward to learning infrared flower photography with Ctein ;)

LOVE your use of multi-level parentheses. Is there an unwritten rule somewhere that says you can't use them? (Joseph Heller, in "Something Happened" (not as famous as "Catch-22" (but a good read) not only used them often, but also would extend a parenthetical sentence into a paragraph into several pages. You'd come to the last closing ')' and wonder what you missed, then page back to find the opening one. (I use that technique in matching IF with ENDIF when coding.))

I'm sorry I got rid of my Kodak 2D 8x10 several years ago. I'd donate it to the TOP decor. When I bought it, I got a brawny wood tripod with it. Any interest in a well used Argus C3? With leather case, and flash. Such a deal!

Glad that beauty is going to a good, appreciative, home. And take up Darlene's offer of the polariod film. RR's make delightful images... where did I put that one I hacked for my 4x5?

Congrats on the new house and new camera!

I have the younger brother of that Horseman. The VHR is a lovely machine. I have it with three lenses (all with cams made for the specific lenses) and just about every option Horseman ever made for it. Lots of backs, the hard case, the special cable release, the adaptor to use regular cable releases, etc. Haven't used it in years though. Need to find a home for it. If I had more room, and if I still had my Reis tripod I might consider putting it on display but I'd feel better if someone was actually using it.

Referring to the OM-D E-M5, or usually Olympus OM-D E-M5, is all our fault. It should be referred to as the Olympus M5 which is simple enough. Remember that the original Olympus 35mm SLR was named the M1 and only changed to OM1 because of objections by Leitz. The film cameras stopped at the Olympus M4 and the digital took over at Olympus M5. People seem to love these long strings of letters and numbers so I think it is too late to change now but Olympus (or us) should have called the original the Maitani1, which I guess is where the M came from.

Aww man.. Now I Want an antique camera. Again. Enough with the camera porn Mike.....

Aren't digital photographers who print on digital negatives actually hybrid photographers? So Mike is right. Sorry, sounds pedantic, but that's how my brain functions!! Actually digital photographers are hybrid too - light is analog (at the photon level is that digital??), phototransistors are analog (continuous voltage/current), analog to digital converters are the interface. Spraying ink onto paper sounds analog to me too (digital to analog converter).

Sorry, off topic - I'll get my coat.

Wow, nice camera, and probably quite usable if the film holders fit a contemporary film size. What is the little rectangle box with a circle on the lower left of your Rochester camera? Is it a viewfinder of some sort? Also, I see a modern plastic lens cap. I think you need a leather cap.

If only there was a digital back for the Pony! ;-) Seriously, I'm totally enamored of digital photography because it's so painterly in its ability to make small, subtle changes in a photograph, the kinds of things painters do all the time but took hours of mucking about making masks, or hard-to-repeat darkroom gymnastics in the film days. And I like sitting at my desk on nice days being able to look out my window as I work on photos. I've no interest in film any more. But I miss carrying my Leica C3, for example, and wish I could put a chip inside. There's probably no market for such and the cost is way beyond my budget, I'm sure, but it's my fantasy.

Ah, like the recent wooden tripod discussion, ya gotta love a camera that you could burn to stay warm if stranded in the wilderness! (That's somethin' ya can't do with them there new fangled di-gi-tal cameras!)

Of course the likelihood of being stranded with such a beast seems pretty remote. I wonder how many of these cameras have ever (a) been more than 1,000 feet from an automobile, and (b) been used more than a handful of times?

I recently discovered that a good place to see vintage cameras in action is vintage car racing. I saw all sorts of interesting gadgets, whether with wheels or lenses.

Good luck with your plans! There is a nice new photographic centre being setup in Slovenia this Summer. Fairly convenient for cheap flights from most of Europe I suppose. This what they are doing over there....


Before you set that thoroughbred Pony out on a table or mount it on a fine wood tripod, have you thought about how you're going to "Butters"-proof it? I can imagine what will go through that little canine's mind: "yum, real leather bellows, must chew! MUST CHEW!"

Ken Tanaka- The sages on DPR say that several of the modern cameras will keep you warm if you go to video mode.

If you put it on a wooden tripod, remember to tighten up the leg locks in the Fall. As the wood dries out in the winter it shrinks and can drop itself and the camera. My Ries did that to my Deardorff, ouch!

Hah! I just noticed the possibly deliberate typo in Scott Kirkpatrick's featured comment - "they had a rapid rectilinear, the kit zoom of the day, which could be assembled in wide, normal, and telephone configurations." - presumably the "telephone" configuration was the mobile-phone-cam of the day?

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