I hope all you fathers out there had a nice Day (capital "D") yesterday. I had a full day. My son Xander's sport is rock climbing, which he's been doing for about a year after discovering that it's good for his shoulders, which he injured weightlifting. He's gotten good at it. The local climbing wall, Adventure Rock, had a "Father's Day Special"—dads climb for free—so I got to go with him. It was great fun. And astonishing to me to see what they can do.
I wasn't expecting to take pictures, but, in case this sport is as unfamiliar to you as it is to me, here are a few snaps:
Here Xander negotiates an overhang. He's using only the blue holds, which defines a single route.
The ropes are only for safety and don't provide any support. On the wall it's all you.
Xander and girlfriend Abby discuss a route...
...And Abby masters the "crux" (the difficult point—in this case, those smooth round blue boulders near the bottom) and "sends" the route (derived from ascend, a complete climb in one attempt without falling) for the first time. The last Level 11 route she needed to conquer before moving on.
As for Dad, well, I did my best. No route—I just grabbed for any old hold I could find and held on for dear life! And if you notice that sign above my head, dang straight I was clipped in.
Hands are the weak point for rank beginners, turns out. I made four or five attempts on different walls and, at my best, maxed out at 20 or 25 feet up before holding all that weight on the wall got to be too much for my hands. I'm not used to holding much more than leashes with exuberant dogs on the other end and lightweight mirrorless cameras.
Speaking of cameras, there was even a very nice photo exhibit at Adventure Rock, 4x5" film landscapes by William F. Lemke. Wonder if he ever visits TOP?
Later, Xander treated me to a steak dinner with Abby's family, all of whom I was meeting for the first time. It was a bit like meeting celebrities, I'd heard so much about them all.
Now I want to go back with one of these, which I've been coveting, once I can afford one. I've maxed out the camera budget for a while now.
Just great seeing my son in his element. Very enjoyable for me—I'm very proud of him.
(Thanks to Xander and Abby)
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Your babe in arms has done growed!
Posted by: Bryce Lee | Monday, 22 June 2015 at 02:04 PM
Once you get a little better you learn you don't need to hold on with such a death grip and you don't get so tired and you don't need so much hand strength. Then when you get a little better again (like Xander) and start doing overhangs, you need the hand strength back again.
Posted by: Anthony Shaughnessy | Monday, 22 June 2015 at 02:28 PM
Nice try, Mike, but that middle-aged gent on the rock wall can't be you. He's too thin, he looks reasonably fit, and his face is buck-nekkid. Who was it really?
Posted by: Gordon Lewis | Monday, 22 June 2015 at 02:31 PM
LOL... echoing what Gordon said---Mike, you look fabulous! Glad to see you had an excellent day on the rocks.
Posted by: Jim Kofron | Monday, 22 June 2015 at 03:13 PM
The thinking person's sport, if I might say so. When your climbing skills improve, you can photograph other climbers from above. It tends to be more interesting to see climbers' facial expressions and hands than their nether regions. And congratulations on fathers' day.
Posted by: Adrian | Monday, 22 June 2015 at 03:40 PM
Make your legs and feet do the work, and use the hands to maintain balance (says he, who hasn't done any serious climbing in 35 years). Get that fancy telephoto, and you can shoot stuff like this fella does: http://elcapreport.com/content/elcap-report-6212015
Posted by: Chuck Albertson | Monday, 22 June 2015 at 04:46 PM
No selfies while on the wall?
Posted by: Mike Lougee | Monday, 22 June 2015 at 05:39 PM
I could never really get into the climbing gym scene. I was always much happier on some multi pitch climb out in the bush, enjoying the solitude, views etc. unfortunately I haven't been really climbing for years, haven't in WI at all. Last time I climbed, last year, was when I was back in Australia. Went and did a climb with an old friend - I t was the a repeat of one of the first rock climbs we ever did. Found it a lot harder at 55 than at 15. Likewise I have a lot of climbing photos, but they are all either slides or B&W and I don't have a scanner.
Posted by: steven Ralser | Monday, 22 June 2015 at 06:46 PM
Thanks for sharing, Mike. Glad you had an enjoyable Father's Day. As someone who has read you for a long time, it's very satisfying to see how your son has grown and developed.
Posted by: Mike Potter | Monday, 22 June 2015 at 06:47 PM
Mike, I like it when you write posts about Xander and his life. I feel as though I've watched him grow up and flourish. You've done one heck of a job raising and teaching your son. I know you are one proud dad.
Posted by: Dennis Mook | Monday, 22 June 2015 at 08:33 PM
Mike well done for having a go, us oldies must stick together especially climbing indoors,I have been climbing for 40+ years and still get out regularly. Also well done for grasping all the technical terms and understanding this unique sport.
Posted by: Peter | Monday, 22 June 2015 at 11:24 PM
That lens you want is a good example why I left Nikon for the hills of Fujifilm. Nikon has nothing that comes close to that lens in the DX format.
Posted by: John Krill | Tuesday, 23 June 2015 at 01:26 AM
After you "send", have you "sent" or "sended" ??
Posted by: Luke | Tuesday, 23 June 2015 at 06:36 AM
Get more appropriate shoes, if you want to pursue this.
Posted by: Dennis | Friday, 26 June 2015 at 12:52 PM