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Monday, 25 May 2015


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How successful was Xander?

No unboxing videos, OK?

Agree 100% with the pacing. It's a good instinct to have.

When I sit down in a movie theatre and get 2-3 minutes worth of credits, produced by screens, etc., I can live with it. But on the web if the film doesn't show me something within 10-15 secs, I'm out. I'm not so impatient when reading a book. It's an interesting viewer behaviour, and I wonder if it's a way of rebelling against being on the web too much.

I know, a "will it blend?" video with a Lenny Kravitz Leica (or a Hasselblad Lunar).

I read this as you're going to follow the times and go with 6 second Vines :-)

No mention of turning the mains power off before exposing the light switch? It's very easy for a screwdriver to slip and contact something it shouldn't. Or is 110V not considered lethal in the US? I've heard that somewhere.

I've head that the Internet generation in general have a patience of about 3 sec. With blog videos I personally have a patience of a little less than 2 sec. ;-)

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