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Tuesday, 05 May 2015


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Well, the 4 GB versions aren't... I'm sure Butters would be happy to attempt to replicate your findings on higher-value cards...

The message is clear. Butters wants you to know nobody uses 4 GB cards anymore.

Judging from the amount of the memory record that remains, it is obvious that Butters did not think very much of this product. Whether he/she did not care for the flavor, texture or firmness of the product, we do not know.

Have Butter munch on one of those new Delkin black cards. They're supposed to be the .44 Magnum of memory cards.

Gotta luv our dogs
my dogs will shred all stuff that belongs to the females who live in the home, but leaves all of my stuff alone. They know who is the master of my home :) ( I am the one who feeds them and hands out dog treats )

Gosh, sorry about your card and jacket Mike. But that look on Butter's face sure gave me a good laugh. Thanks.

You might mention to your omnivore canine that there are places in this world where people eat dogs.

Should've used Lexar, maybe.

Maybe Kong needs to start making memory cards? At the very least, a line of USB memory sticks.

Butters did you a large favor with that coat. Twenty-five years? You *needed* a new coat, and he knew it.

Butters' head says it all in the last picture. He's a tough tester for sure, but still respects his owner.

It reminds me of Buba, an English cocker spaniel we had years ago. When he was young and was left alone at home during worktime, he took a very precise care in breaking into thousands of pieces every newspaper or magazine we had in the living room. Furthermore, he was very careful as well in covering all the floor surface with those paper pieces.

Curiously enough, however, he never made any damage to the furniture, which is another interesting habit of cockers, or so we have been told.

Is Butter's memory better now?

Regarding fleece jacket: Butters Johnston was perhaps, without benefit of speaking English, suggesting that it was past time to up your sartorial game a bit. Another Butters value-add.

Yeah, but what about the Royal Road Test:


How many bytes were in the memory card? : ]

I've had two different dogs eat two different couches. Yes, completely destroyed. I still love 'em though! Nothing like unconditional love feedback and the dog's inability to remember anything it did more than 15 seconds ago.

... but how can you not love an innocent face like that? Probably a good reason to keep using lots of small cards instead of one large one!


You should hire Buttars out to a Failure analysis lab. He does as good a job as Nitric Acid to de-encapsulate parts!

Mike - keep sharing stuff like this. I really love your site. Thanks!

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