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Sunday, 03 May 2015


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Geoffrey Berliner aka Elmer Fudd. :-) Would have loved to have heard him say "Wabbit Season!" My bad, I know -- but I am British.

Are there any pinhole lenses in the collection?

Cameras are boring. On the other hand I find lenses to be interesting.

Some old lenses have unique formulas. The soft-focus lenses used by the pictorialists in the early 20th century, will never be mistaken for an overly sharp Zeiss Otis. Pre WW2 lenses are not coated (a BIG + for some situations). The really old stuff has Waterhouse Stops (good for creamy bokay).

So I'll keep my 4x5 and my Leica IIIa to use with older lenses. Here's a barrel lens adapter for a Canon EOS http://www.skgrimes.com/whats-new/2011-2/6706-2 Maybe I'll get one for my Canon Elan 7n.

I'll never, ever, understand why some people store lenses face up.

His attitude towards lenses is wonderful. Comparing his love for optics with a detectives scrutiny reminds me of Jochen Hörischs approach towards the interpretation of literature. Both fields that are related to me in a sense, anyway.

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