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Monday, 18 May 2015


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Can't you sometimes linked to a large file uploaded to Dropbox or some such?

It's not like the market is lacking for offers of online storage. Heck, Flickr, crazily, will store up to a TB of photos for free, and you can share individual ones I think.

Could you please clarify what exactly you mean when you say "file is luminous"?

I read, "...It's hard to get the blog page to show the subtlety of the full LIFE, which is luminous and beautiful." --which would also seem appropriate.

Thanks, Mike, I've been needing a good "soft calibration" for my monitor for some time now.


With best regards,


Are the blue eggs really close in color to the carton? Or is that just my stupid color blindness kicking in again?

Well know it's "green eggs and ham". So, what do blue eggs go with? Spam? Jam? Or something with a different rhyme sound, requiring more extensive working of the entire poem :-) ?

Blue eggs and ham?

We found some green ones at the local farmers market.
I think the green eggs were from chickens that ate a lot of bugs.

Don't you think the pale yellow and custard tones of the blog page reduce the ability of any posted image to look luminous and beautiful?

Blue eggs, brown eggs, green eggs with ham! I think I'd rather put up with another Adorable Butters snap. Jeez!

That's my favorite kind of light.

Where I come from it's red eggs, tomatoes, and smoked fish. The eggshell (duck eggs not chicken) are dyed red.

We've been getting those kind of eggs from a friend for about a year now. She recently got a couple of new hens that lay chocolate brown ones. I can hardly wait to get a couple of them.
They are much fresher than what you can buy in the grocery.

Whew! For a second there I thought the white balance on my monitor was off and I was going to have to go back through weeks of work.

I can't look at eggs without thinking of making a photograph of them. I tried many times and they are a challenge since they are all about the lighting.

Looking at a picture of a package of eggs reminds me of Hideyuki Oka's classic book about Japanese design: How to Wrap Five Eggs: Traditional Japanese Packaging. It has great Black and White photography, including eggs.

They look like coming from a farm close to a nuclear reactor.

Okay, luminous - may we be told the lighting, the camera, and the lens?

Mike you could actually make the full file available so we can see the color.

Oops, I missed Eolake's post. Sorry.
Robert Hudyma: I have this book! and the printing is exquisite!! - you don't see that kind of printing anymore :-(

Charlie, Lighting was window light on an overcast day, camera was Fuji X-T1, lens was 23mm f/1.4.

my best egg photo...


Thank you, Mike. Overcast light tends to be over-deprecated.

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