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Thursday, 28 May 2015


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Another example of the artist living in poverty only for his work to gain great monetary value after his death. I am glad he was obsessive enough to pursue the project, but sorry he did not reap the fruits of that labor.

Twenty volume set, with accompanying portfolios, sold at Christie's in 2012 for near $2.9 million.

Is it available in a Kindle version? I can't afford that price.

Have you read his bio? He was utterly obsessed. If anyone can claim that they did their life's work, he can, though at a very high personal cost.

Timothy Egan wrote a great book about Curtis's photo project called "Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher." Highly recommended. (Egan has won a Pulitzer and a National Book Award for some of his other work.)

While it would be accurate to say that Curtis was obsessive and continued to work even through the difficult years, I disagree that he "did not reap the fruits of his labor". If you are interested, I'd highly recommend Timothy Egan's book about Curtis and his work called "Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher".

I second your recommendation, Scott. Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher is a very good book.

Next to my copy of "Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher" is a book I found remaindered: "Edward S Curtis: Visions of the First Americans," by Don Gulbrandsen. It is not a bad collection for those of us who cannot afford the originals. I believe all his original photos have been scanned and can be viewed online, if you have quite a bit of free time for such a pursuit.

Just an FYI.

All 20 volumes are available in their original form -- text included -- online at the USC Digital Library:

If interested, you might also like to view the work of CC Pierce, who documented Native Americans in the southwest -- with a very different perspective: http://digitallibrary.usc.edu/cdm/search/collection/p15799coll65/searchterm/Native/field/all/mode/all/conn/and/order/title/ad/asc

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