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Sunday, 12 April 2015


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It is a very nice portrait of butters. Eventually you should gather the best of them into a photo book.

Chicken soup. For folks who hate to cook, canned chicken soup. Hope you're well soon.

Excellent example of using negative space.

Very moody. I like it.

Your dag picture reminded me of my cat picture:
A link to my Flickr site.
I like cats better then dogs, our opinions on the pictures may also depend on such preferences.

Your framing is counterintuitive but beautiful, giving a feel of Butters in a vast space. Nice!

Nice picture. Get well soon Mike.

Now that's a photograph.
You should shoot more while under the weather. Works for you...


Dog photos still OK. Get well soon!

Now that's a dog photo!

I like it . . .

Superb photo, I wish you were on flickr and that I could add it to my favs...

Mike, I always tell my students that turning in cat and dog photos is an automatic fail, but I'd have to make an exception for yours. Nice.

I don't clone out much, not at all actually, but I'd clone out that dark obj. by his ear. What did you think about that? Cross your mind??

Ray H.

OMG, that's beautiful.

It's great... the only thing missing is a cat!

(Joking, I'm joking - it isn't missing a thing)

Yes, that's a quite lovely cat picture of Butters.

This seems like a image where you forced the camera's aspect ratio onto a subject that doesn't call for it. But it's growing on me because the large amount of empty black space below makes it seem like he's hovering on a magic carpet.

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