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Wednesday, 01 April 2015


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My favorite April Fool's post of the day has got to be Sigma USA's eleventh installment of their "How to photograph your dog" series.


Well in that sprit, Sven, I offer this


Thank you.

Thank you for not engaging in juvenile humor. I hate, detest and despise April Fool's Day. I think it should be banned and violators should be subjected to sleep deprivation accompanied by constant bad humor videos.

I just wanted to comment Mike and let you know that it is heartwarming to hear someone with such gratitude at being alive in the world. And if someone is going to be that happy to be alive, I am glad it is you.

Tim Arruda
Who while happy to be alive, is sick and tired of below average temps and a seemingly very reluctant to let go winter here in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.

I can't remember the transition into my second decade from the first, nor the next, really, in any way that feels real.

Since then, though, in spite various losses at various times, divorce, deaths, etc., I have felt at the end of each decade that it was better than the one before, and expected the one beginning to be better yet.

Having just started the second year of my eighth decade, I have yet to find reason to doubt that it will be the best yet.

Might expectation help create experience? Perhaps so.

Remember the power of "true gratitude" to support "deep heartfelt happiness", learn to gracefully let present become past, fully inhabit the present, allow your definition of "best" to evolve naturally and you will have more great decades.

I suppose that I am experiencing late-onset midlife crisis (I am 54 now), though it is not terribly severe. I attribute the delay to the fact that I had my two children while in my 40s (they are almost 11 and 6 now).

Actually, I think that I am going through the crisis and the resolution simultaneously as I seem to alternate between `is that all there is?' and `this is pretty good!' on a daily basis.

I think there is too much emphasis on the pursuit of happiness in life. I decided that happiness was transient (as is sadness) and that being contented was what mattered. And, although I've had enough work related problems over the past ten years, I'm content with life and where I live and the friends I have.

Having said all that, I'm 42. So, I should be a prime candidate for a midlife crisis but I think I'm going to avoid it. (Hopefully, not famous last words.)

I think that in men a great deal of this is hormonal. A younger man will take on any challenge, just to prove himself to those around him. As the hormone levels decrease, some of those challenges don’t seem as important. Even if he was successful, in retrospect it seems like it was a waste pursuing that challenge in the first place. Lower hormonal levels allow spending of more time surveying the landscape and looking at his own desires and goals before picking a challenge. After a decade or so of living that way, life starts to look pretty good.

I've never had much sympathy for the idea of a midlife crisis. I think people get in their own heads too much, or not enough.

On the other hand, I've been inordinately lucky in my time. So maybe I just realized this a bit early.

The first 21 years of my life were very tough, I probably had my midlife at 12. Those years didn't make an Abe Lincoln or Charles Dickens out of me, but they gave me fortitude. I'm now 43, and at times "I have been bent and broken, but - I hope - into a better shape."

Thank you, Mike, from the end (hopefully!) of a far-too-long winter in NYC.

At age 55, I now appreciate the fact that there are things in life that can be worse than death. That realization has been very liberating. Moving on into eternity just doesn't seem as terrifying as it did at 30.

Thank you for this post (and many others), and for the link to the article at The Alantic. A bucket of pennies just dropped.

I'm 42. I came back to Australia (my home country) with my wife 4 years ago, after living in the UK for 14. We are leaving to going back to the UK in 3 months. Our 4 years here has been a time of work hell, money stress, alienation from society, depression, and missing everything we loved. We have had the stuffing kicked out of us and can't wait to go back. I know that all this wasn't just because of where we lived - part of it was a mid-life crisis (although exacerbated by our situation). The upside of these difficult unhappy times has been that I have gotten better at letting go, of life and everything I want from it. Now I'm looking forward to just getting back and getting on with normal life in the UK, something I would not have been that satisfied with when I left there 4 years ago.

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