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Monday, 13 April 2015


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We all pay taxes: some more, some less.

Good luck, and remember...everything is deductible.


And your Canadian readers will think you're getting ready for hockey playoffs!

If you were Canadian, you could procrastinate for another 15 days or so

Quick books pro + a good cap to watch your back...

I suspect it is time to report taxes - it is the recurring theme on comics.com ...

"I make pretty good money but it don't even slow down when to gets to me".
Roy Clark

Beware the Ides of April.

"If you were Canadian, you could procrastinate for another 15 days or so."
This year is different for me. My late father's partner was diagnosed in January with Alzheimer's, at age 75. Had to find another accountant, who could do a complicated (even by Canadian standards) tax return. Got one, am seeing him April 27, and the tax will be filed electronically, all being well. And unlike all the other years, shall have to pay somebody to do same, it won't be cheap! Write a cheque to the accountant and probably an even larger cheque to Revenue Canada, last year was was penalized for making too much money; no Old Age or Canada Pension income for me for at least 12 months. That is what happens when you play the stock market and keep winning. This current year not so lucky, dammit.

(Ahem) That is, one can file *on or before* April 15...

"If you were Canadian, you could procrastinate for another 15 days or so"

And if you were British you'd be paying a year in advance against money you might never make!

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