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Thursday, 26 March 2015


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I have a couple of 21 year old Buff Ultra 1800 monoblocks. One is kept mounted to a Bogen Pole in the house for taking portraits when the impulse hits.

He was a real 'mother of invention' and his genius will be missed.

I wonder if Buff is responsible for the idea of so arranging the modeling light bulb and the flash tube that the flash tube mostly pumped light into the modeling bulb, thus making the light produced in flash mode more similar to what the modeling light produced? That feature goes back to his White Lightning units, those original tin cans with three power levels (and VERY low prices; they were sturdy, produced good light, and cheap!).

I've got a set of Ultra-Zap 1600 heads that I'm still using, they're about 15 years old so far.

He was an interesting fellow, and his business gave all of us [photographers] very good and relatively inexpensive options that we might otherwise not have had, had he not created Paul C. Buff Inc. I, for one, am grateful he did. RIP sir.

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