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Thursday, 05 March 2015


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That review could have been written about the David Bowie show with few alterations. The Bowie show was a cacophonous and immediately forgettable one. I want to leave an exhibition thinking, wondering, understanding.

But galleries need to get bodies through the gate. Although I don't know if this is MoMA's problem as the place seems crowded every time I visit.

BTW: interesting photo caption. That's a Nick Knight photo if I'm not mistaken.

Not to be argumentative but both Bjork and Byrne are interesting artists that reach wider audiences that yr usual MOMA crowd. Museums must a attract a wider base to survive, grow and thrive.

Yes indeed! Like with many artists, my love for them often stems from one profound work. I love Human Behavior. (The song, not the fact.)

Other delightful examples:

Innocence Mission:


Too cruel. Unnecessary and cruel - and for sure the costumes are interesting, aren't they? Still, even if they were half as good it would still be a cruel and unnecessary criticism.

Dunno, read the NYT spread in its T Magazine and suspect the show is jumped-up, capital-intensive celebrity worship at its weirdest. Her long-time association with Mathew Barney(see his Cremaster stuff)was obviously influential. Lost interest in her music some time back.

If Leica doesn't take itself seriously with "Lenny Kravitz" editions, I guess we can't expect MoMA to, either.

I read the article and it left me wondering what the reviewer thought the exhibit should consist of. Björk has worked with dozens of respected artists in various design disciplines and this show features that work. This is a bad thing? I'm missing something here. As to Sjón's use of the word 'girl', it is directly related to a series of Björk songs. She is definitely not for everybody, but lighten up a little, it's only an exhibit.

[I think the reviewer thought the exhibit should consist of an artist other than Bjork. --Mike]

Up to now, I've never heard of Bjork and the only thing I know about the exhibit is what I read here and in the ArtNews article so who am I to say. But one has to wonder how the celebrity factor weighs in MOMA's decision to mount this exhibit.

If Mildred T.Shumway from Elizabeth City NJ had knocked on MOMA's door with this art, would the museum have mounted a "Shumway" exhibit. Somehow I doubt it.

The next step is, obviously, Lady Gaga.

Then it makes you wonder: why is it that women/celebrities with an interest in pop music/conceptual art end up being taken unseriously by the art crowd? Is it the long shadow of disgruntled Beatles fans harping on whatever could remotely look like Yoko Ono?

Do men/celebrities with abilities in pop music/postmodern art suffer the same infamy?

The photo here is originally from Björk's Homogenic album cover.

Best music paraphenalia show I ever saw was (pallindrome allert) a jazz paraphenalia show in Amsterdam (in 1992 if memory serves)....among the many items was a poem written on a napkin by Satchmo....(Louis Armstrong).....it read (if memory serves again):

The bee's a busy beast you see, maybe that is why these days you see so many sons of bees.

Greats, Ed.

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