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Tuesday, 24 February 2015


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It's always early in California.

Too late. I watched it on Hulu before I knew she'd be on. I skipped over her interview though, as the Internet has been pretty much saturated with coverage of her book the last few weeks.

Well I stayed up late to catch this, was a little disappointed that the interview was so short. Better to watch one of the youtube interviews she has done.

I have a brand new M 240 but I also have a problem swinging around a camera body when it's new and pristine. If i'm working at a location where I'm worried it might get dinged up I often go analog and grab my old beat up M6. Perhaps Leica could offer as part of it's regular service something they could call Leikravitzing. You just send in your new body and lens they'd pre distress it for you so you can just get on with it.

I get your appreciation of the fact that things can wear. In my case, it's that a worn object suggests that there are stories to be told. Many years ago, I was at a craft fair where a pretty decent local photographer was displaying large prints for sale. One that I liked quite a bit showed a latch hanging down from an old barn door, and a little arc of worn wood where this latch must have been undone and allowed to wear away the wood thousands of times over the years.

- Dennis


It's up on CC's site:


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