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Friday, 09 January 2015


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Sometimes, Mike, it's good to sit with your feet up and let your batteries recharge at a slow trickle.

It's been a busy Christmas.

We'll wait.

Seems to me you wrote an interesting post, and sent me to look at some interesting work. Creativity on cold dark January days isn't easy, but it's a good time for recharging batteries. Thanks Mike :)

There's a webcomic artist (Zach Weinersmith) who had an interesting take on "writer's block." I can't track down the exact quote right now, but it was something to the effect of rejecting writer's block as an active condition and instead reframing it as a sign that more input is needed. In other words, if you're having trouble writing, go read a bunch. ramp up your input and before long you'll be successful when you sit down and apply yourself to writing.

Dear Mike,

Yesterday's "Rhymes with Orange" cartoon would apply here. I think.

pax / Ctein

"What Dr. Johnson fails to mention" Was it not Boswell who failed to mention...?

Thanks for the link.

My favorite quote comes from Wei Jinsheng:

'Inspiration is not a servant that comes when you beckon and leaves when you command. You have to pay a price for it. Those that do not pay in full end up mediocre.'

Sorry to read of the block. If you have time and inspiration, I for one would like to know how the final settlement of your move went, or is going. Is the pool table still in your old basement, and if not, how did it make the journey? A dog story would help too.

Your writing brightens my day, and I don't mean that to add pressure, but to say, thanks.

Some time soon I hope to write and tell you I've committed to a OC/OL/OF/OY, but I can't do that yet, 'cos I haven't quite!

I enjoyed looking at some of Mr. Kalman's pictures. I especially love the "SNAP" of the black and white photos on screen. I'm working very doggedly to create that "SNAP" in my black and white prints. Is it more difficult to create that look in a print? (By SNAP I mean the high contrast look with the shadows rich with detail while the whites are not blown out.)

"...doggedness has deserted me this morning."

Did Butters and Lulu run off?

The Life of Johnson. Abridged and Edited, with an Introduction by Charles Grosvenor Osgood is also available for free** at Project Gutenberg.


In many formats including Kindle too.

Project Gutenberg is a wonderful source of old (out of copyright) texts. It's now even more useful resource now that e-readers make reading the text easy anywhere.

They have 47,830 texts today.

Every book is available in Kindle (mobi) and EPUB as well as txt and HTML. You can find reader software for most portable platforms.

** And in the public domain in the US as copyright has expired. I suspect the one being sold on Amazon is from the Gutenberg archive. They often are.

Really, the major problem with choosing which of Mr. Kalman's portraits to feature is- choosing which of Mr. Kalman's portraits to feature...

Interesting that you had to write several paragraphs, to tell us that you couldn't write. Oh, and you included a pointer to a photographer new to many of us.

Ever since I read this comic years ago, I can't hear (or see) the words 'writer's block' and not think of this...


I mentally carry a few quotations from Churchill, Mark Twain, Dr. Zeuss, and a few others that (even at this age) I am able to recite at will. The trouble comes in matching situation to witticism.

Fitting for every cloudy day of middle age might be ; "Do one thing every day that scares you.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt.
Or perhaps, for your situation (and mine) the words and the gentle, thoughtful, philosophy of Alfred E. Newman ; What, me worry?

Cheers old boy! (not a Brit, just like their expressions)

At least he apparently shoots 4 x 5 Film. Credit for that.

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