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Saturday, 06 December 2014


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Amazon UK recently mailed me to say it would arrive on 12 December (2014!), so unless they're hopelessly wrong it does look as though it will ship earlier in the UK, at least (are we still part of Europe? I lose track of these things).

I have a new date from Amazon UK of 12 December 2014 for shipping. Let's hope it's true this time.

Strange enough A...n Germany listed one as *available*, published by Steidl in August 2014. Steidl's books certainly are worth the price asked for, but their publishing policy sometimes seems to be a bit hard to understand.

In case you try, it shouldn't be available any more now ;)

I'm not worrying about the shipping date but HOW it's shipped.

Lately Amazon has been careless how it packs books for shipping. Especially photo books that are heavy. The weight of the books makes them easily damaged especially the corners.

I once ordered Larry Burrows 'Vietnam' book and I had to return the first TWO Amazon sent me.

Maybe getting the book after the holiday rush will improve its chances of getting the book in good condition.

I ordered mine on 12th June from Amazon UK and the delivery date is still being reported as 12th December. If that changes I will let you know.

Interestingly, your Amazon-UK link suggests 12th. December as the release date?! We will see what happens . . .

I ordered my copy direct from the publisher and have received confirmation that it has shipped.

Amazon Germany doesn't seem to have it yet and also doesn't let you preorder, but a German bookseller offered one through them. Judging from the description, it actually seemed to be in stock and not just preorder-by-Amazon-proxy. I went for it, and hope that's the case. Your guess about Europe getting the book earlier might just be correct (she selfishly hopes).

Another German book selling site also gives the supposed release date as December 2014 (but so far only lets you preorder).

All offers give the language as English, so it appears there are no versions in different languages, just the one print run.

FWIW last week I had an email from Amazon UK quoting 12 December...

- Paul.

It was a great book IN ITS DAY, but much of HC-B's best work was yet to come. I think that the 1979 book, Henri Cartier Bresson Photographer, is far better (though not as historic).

Pre-ordered back in September for what has apparently become the 'Repeatedly Delayed Moment'. Actually, it will be nice to have something arrive during the bleaker part of the year (imprudently assuming no more delays).

A few days ago Amazon Germany sent me an email saying the release was postponed and they don't know a shipping date at this time.

Amazon says "This new publication is a meticulous facsimile of the original book"
Hopefully this does not extend to the crummy paper and glue used in the first edition. My wife has a copy signed by HC-B thanking her mother for something in 1979, but it looks like it got left out in the rain and then got dried in a cloths dryer.

The Simon and Schuster edition had an introduction by HC-B and a "technical report to photographers" by publisher Richard Simon, and separately printed booklet of captions. I hope the Steidle edition has the essays, they are are certainly of the period.

The Steidle site also shows the Verve edition in French, so who knows?

I ordered a copy back in June and have not received an updated delivery date. So I suspect that it will be January. No real hurry, as I basically agree with Bill Mitchell and I already have more than enough HCB work in my library.

Interestingly, I recently got a notice that another long back-ordered book from Steidl was indefinitely postponed (scratched?). Bruce Davidson's L.A. book, which I ordered the same month as the HCB, is now nixed. That was far more disappointing to me than the delay of the HCB.

For the moment, an ebook copy of, "Tête à Tête: Portraits by Henri Cartier-Bresson", is available from my website at

Steidl's books certainly are worth the price asked for, but their publishing policy sometimes seems to be a bit hard to understand

Perhaps because Steidl is a printer and publisher (Steidl. Druckerei. Verlag.).

They do all of the work on their books in one building in Göttingen: prepress, proofing and printing. Only binding is done out of house.

Gerhard Steidl (the founder and owner) is in charge of the production of every book. He works like a demon to turn out around 300 titles per year. And he travels around the world to met artists and greet them and wrangle the books out of them. He's very determined and has great attention to detail in slightly scary Teutonic sort of way. He's almost a stereotypical German running a Mittelstand company. I wonder what will happen to Steidl when he retires.


I'd recommend the 2010 documentary How to Make a Book with Steidl for an great insight on what goes on behind the walls at Steidl Verlag. Just watching Gerhard Steidl in full flow made me feel exhausted.


After watching that I'm happy to wait a little longer on my Amazon order. I know Gerhard is going to do it right.

I ordered my copy of the HCB book through Amazon (and through your site) a long, long...long time ago. I'm so waiting for it to ship. I already have the other HCB you mention. He is the father of street photography. I fell in love with Paris because of him. And also because of several other very good photographers. My current favorite is Peter Turnley. I managed to travel to Paris in 2010 and still get a thrill when I recall walking some of the same streets as these greats. I am jealous of them all because they managed to make a good living at it. I chose not to. I'm not not as good as them, number one. Another reason is I would end up hating anything to do with photography. Some of the people that matter most in my life seem to think I have a "good eye". And that's good enough for me.

Blah, blah. I'm through.

I received my copy of the French edition on Dec. 4th (ordered through steidl.de the preceding Monday).
Oddly, I just checked on the publisher's website and "Images à la sauvette" is indicated as "Coming soon", "Temporarily out of stock because publisher cannot supply" and cannot be purchased. The French edition is indicated as having a printrun of 3000 copies.

I've had confirmation that my copy was dispatched today.

Yes, The Book Depository just confirmed it's in stock....

Mike, the book has been appearing as "available" at The Book Depository for short periods since last night (I received a first notification email last night, but got to the site 2 hours later and it wasn't listed anymore).

It is currently listed as available again, and I've been able to place an order. Oddly, it is shown as being "dispatched in 4 business days"... but who am I to argue. Let's hope it actually ships!

Here's the link:

It is on sale in limited numbers in the UK today at the Photographer's Gallery. I have not yet had delivery confirmation from Amazon.

I'm in Edinburgh, UK, and I have two copies of the Steidl "Decisive Moment" sitting under my desk as I type. They were ordered yesterday and hand-delivered a few minutes ago by Neil McIlwraith of Beyond Words (www.beyondwords.co.uk).

They're still in their shrinkwrap until I get home, so I can't comment on the reprint's quality except to say that it's heavy and that the slipcase seems very nice from the outside :-)

Amazon UK has shipped my copy ... now the wait.

Mine is out for delivery today (Amazon UK), so they are shipping

Amazon UK emailed this morning to say it had been dispatched...

Amazon UK just delivered my copy 😄

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