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Sunday, 28 December 2014


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My pleasure. I'll bet i've even popped by on Christmas day a few times.

BTW, a tip which you can repeat when there are more peeps..


It sends me notes of update to a couple of essential sites.
(This can't be a new idea, I can't believe I didn't find it til David Pogue pointed it out.)

Some sites (Macobserver fx) have their own newsletter (it is *not* trivial to run or buy one, amazingly), but for those who don't, Blogtrottr works great. An RSS reader did not work for me, I'd put on way too many sites, and I'd forget to check anyway.

I recomend being very stingy with what sites you put on there, especially if you are amongst the many people who can't seem to keep their inbox empty. (I never got that. I can't bear it not being empty, so I just clean it out a couple of times a day at least. Or every time I check, typically.)

Dear Mike,

Thanks for keeping us hardcores entertained, informed and provoked through the holiday break (not to mention the rest of the year!). You spoil us!

I look forward to your selection, as always. Coincidentally, I stumbled onto The New Yorker's photobook picks this morning: http://www.newyorker.com/culture/photo-booth/fourteen-photography-books-2014

The captions link to the original reviews.

There are some of us that, when we miss a day or two or seven, can scroll down and catch up. If you continue to post the content, we'll find it.

HC fan reporting :D Been checking here even on Christmas day. Albeit only just to pop in and see if there is a new post.

Since I'm reading this on the 29th by definition I'm "hardcore".
Bloody excellent.

Bruce Barnbaum has a new one out. The Essence of Photography: Seeing and Creativity.

Looks to be worth checking out.

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