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Friday, 28 November 2014


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Oh, but you should have heard me curse when I opened TOP to see the word "Turnley" yet again!

Something about Peter and his work really doesn't gel with me but these photos of David's are great! - especially 22,37 & 40.
Wish I had just a little disposable income right now to buy 2 or 3........

Three favorites this afternoon: the Berlin Wall (#2), the Dalai Lama (#3), and September 11th. (#8).

And the Dalai Lama picture commits one of the sins I have the most trouble forgiving -- important elements of the face aren't really sharp. Luckily, what the photo is really about (overall composition using his shadow) had grabbed me before I noticed that.

These have a somewhat grittier appearance than his brother's as I'm remembering them; the clouds in the Ille St. Louis picture (#10) being perhaps an extreme case (for me the grain there attracts too much attention and detracts from a picture I might have liked a lot more). In other pictures it's harmless or even beneficial (I think it helps the Berlin Wall photo and the Hebron photo (#25)).

First query, any proceeds from David's sale going to T.O.P. ?
And any chance of seeing a photograph of the two brothers together, as they are these days??
No Thanksgiving Day here, we had ours
back on the second monday in October, a much more suitable day weather-wise iMO.

I really enjoyed looking through David Turnley's work, as you said I would do. They were both beautiful and thought provoking as well as informative and told a story. There are a few that I think are certainly nice for wall art but others such as the Gulf war soldiers in the chopper and the Sarajevo Wedding that for me personally I would find it hard to display in say my living room, even though they are quite powerful images. I am curious to know what people will do with these type of prints. Will they be displayed in a collection, are they purchased for investment only or are people happy to display the image in a room as wall art. I, of course, support any reason to by beautiful prints like these.

If I could only have three: 12, 16, 19.


Thanks for the link to David Turnley's site. I enjoyed that.

Paris #11 is a delight.

I have tried to purchase one of these prints but it said I had already entered the info and it wouldn't let me proceed! Frankly, those who use PayPal always give me trouble. I would like a link to their website where I could just send a check. Just my situation.

This is a really nice set of photographs. Perhaps it's just as well I cannot afford one - then I'd have to pick a favorite.

Echoing the first comment, I have never quite gotten Peter's photos but these of David's I really like.

David's work has always struck me as the "real McCoy."

Alas, no photos viewable in either Chrome or IE. ???

Just an alternative view from an amateur. If I had been taking that photo of the steps I would have taken it in portrait format so that I could include the classic Citroen 2CV at the bottom of the steps. I would also have waited until the person at the top of the photo had disappeared, if that was possible. Maybe I'm a bit too interested in oldish cars.

Beautiful work from an iconic photojournalist/photographer. For the price, I am disappointed the prints are only offered on Epson Premium Luster (a fine paper), and not Exhibition Fiber. Just Sayin'...

You can see his award winning documentaries on these photos at vimeo http://vimeo.com/86442973

I would agree that his photos are more natural than Peter's less coffee table more newspaper.

In contrast to Robert (and perhaps in agreement with Mike who selected it to head the article), I love the crufty texture of the walls on the building around the stairway and the funny way in which the stair risers have weathered. But it is the gestures linking the two people in the center, on the stairs, that makes the picture, and that waits for no one. I didn't notice the DeuxChevaux in the foreground, but that fits into another sort of scene. Jacques Tati and French movies from the 1950s.


Thank you for bringing these print sales to our attention. Luckily, Peter's sale has been extended to December 5, as I just found about the two from this post today.

After first looking through Peter's wonderful Paris photos, I then went to David's site. I especially like the photos in South Africa of the little girl with the guitar and the family on the train. "How am I going to afford to buy prints from both Turnleys???," I thought to myself.

Then my heart sank when I read the "fine print." David's prints are inkjet - so the idea of making a purchase ended there, as I refuse to buy digital prints. At least Peter still has his printed in silver, so I guess I'll have a little more to spend over there.

Thanks, again, and if I buy from Peter, I will make sure to click on Yes to the TOP reference.

I wouldn't call this a print "sale."

Earlier, I made a comment that in hindsight I think was a little flip, but I do think that the topic of pricing of fine art photographic prints would make a very interesting topic for discussion, one day. Frankly, I do think that a good many successful photographers would be well served by taking a few classes in economics, esp. given the reality of printing in the digital age. If they could calm their egos for a moment, their retirement accounts might just reward them handsomely as well.

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