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Friday, 19 September 2014


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Nicely done, Mike.

Lovely story to start my day with Mike, thank you. It resonated with me because we have a similarly sized bear currently languishing in our loft. He was given to us when my daughter was a baby and too little to really appreciate him; we have a small house so he kept getting in the way. She's two now, so I really must get the furry chap down for her to play with!

Kudos. Imagining that from the wee girl's perspective is epic.


All you had to do was to put a Chicago Bears T-Shirt on Bear, and you would have had an easy time finding a new home for him. You might have even ended up with a bidding war.

Your story is good but bare without a photo of Bear.

Bear and the Ali of his day, n.t.s.

Nice happy ending. It could have gone, "Police arrest man attempting to lure little red-haired girl with Teddy bear."

[It couldn't have, actually, because I gave the bear to the parents who gave it to the child! --Mike]

You're a good man, Charlie Brown.

Nice story. As a devoted fan I like having images of you as you go about your, to me, fascinating life. I have a problem. When you were driving around with bear my image is of you and bear floating down the road, in a sitting position, but no car. You sold your Miata and the Rav 4 . . . . .

[I think I'll write a review of my current car for an "Open Mike" someday. Someday.... --Mike]


That is a very sweet story. I have Velveteen Rabbit-esque feelings about stuffed animals, so the thought of simply throwing away a beloved childhood bear makes me sad. (Needless to say, "Toy Story 3" is not an easy movie for me to watch.)

Is the Oak Park Camera in your story now Holiday Camera of Oak Park? I live about a block from there.

[Nick, I think it's the same location although the storefront is different and newer. If you go down Harlem a bit and then West on Franklin, I owned a loft in a converted paint factory at Franklin and Circle, 7240, fourth floor front. Beautiful spot. I actually picked it out as a place to live when it was still abandoned, before the rehab started. --Mike]

You can certainly tell a tale with a fine turn of words. I found myself tearing up at the end. Thanks for going out of your way to get a good friend a new home.

Another Zander story for the collection.
Heart-warming and glad "bear" found a new home and is loved, all over again

http://www.freecycle.org is a great way to get rid of usable unwanted stuff.

You're certainly a terrific writer, Mike. I've probably said this before, but it would be great if you ever had the time, opportunity and inclination to write a novel! I particularly like your style, how it's free of any fake pompousness.

[You clearly didn't read the later post about how the Sack of Jerusalem relates to Panasonic's new smartphone. [g] Seriously, though, thanks. Curiously, in today's round of sorting and packing I ran across a letter from Sally Mann saying the same thing--that photography might be my passion but that writing was going to make my name. Written in 1990. I guess I've made a little progress since then. --Mike]

Geez, Mike. I'm a dad for my 3 year old boy, and I was a real devotee of Teddy bears when I was young. This story brought a tear to my eye.

You are a good man.

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